The Power of Minds

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On an Earth quite like this one but with a very different history in a completely different universe, the young Youtuber turned Chosen One, Benjamin Mendoza remained hidden on a rooftop keeping his eyes on a group of Powered People in a coffee shop. They had been there for some time now waiting for this target. Ben and his team of two Max Walkers had been preparing for this meetup since they left their universe nearly five months ago. A group of skilled Powered People took an item known as the Zeel from them and brought it to this universe. Without even using it, Ben suspected that the group would plan to give to someone who actually has plans to use it. For the first time since arriving on this planet, they've got solid proof of where this group would meet up.
With many people going in and out of the shop, it was hard to tell who these people were meeting up.
A man that none of them recognized had taken a seat with the suspicious looking group. Ben sent a text message out to the group chat he had created for his team called 'Crazy Universe Hoppers'. Once Ben placed his eyes back on the possible target, he saw them reveal something odd in a place like a coffee shop. The person had pulled out a briefcase. He passed it to one of the more muscular men sitting at the table. The only thing stopping Ben from ordering an attack was confirmation of what was in the briefcase.
The muscular man eventually opened the briefcase and revealed the glowing red Zeel. That was it! Ben sent a text message to the team about the Zeel. Both Max Walker and the Max Walker of this universe sprung into action! They blasted toward the coffee shop and sent bolts of lightning through the glass and into the Powered People. The Other Max remained cautious throughout but Max had no idea who these people were. Other Max had fought this group before. They possessed the ability to harden their skin whenever they could. Other Max noticed that three out of the four of them were in their regular human skin mode, but there was one that wasn't. The big one.
"Hey kid!" Other Max screamed. "Watch out!"
Max turned to Other Max, wondering what he meant until the biggest and most muscular Powered Person of the group ended his charade of faking his unconscious state to attack! He grabbed Max's arm and squeezed it so tight that Max began to lose feeling in it.
Other Max wanted to blast the Powered Person with bolts of lightning but that would only drain him of energy. Electrocuting this type of skin was impossible with their inability to feel it. There was to be another way to rescue Max. He noticed the briefcase was still in the Powered Person's hand. Maybe the only way to save Max was to distract the Powered Person. By grabbing it the briefcase!
The bones in Max's arm slowly began to break in the clutches of this man. Other Max took the chance to blast toward the briefcase and steal it. The Powered Person looked at his hand, surprised by how fast Other Max was and tossed Max away. He yelled out to Other Max as he began charging after him while Max began texting Ben with his one good hand.

Ben had received the texts of their current situations and quickly rushed off the rooftop in hopes of catching up to them. He ran into the streets and pointed a laser gun at a motorcyclist.
"I need your bike tipo!" Ben shouted at the cyclist. "Ahora!"
The cyclist quickly got off the bike, once seeing how serious Ben was. Without even taking the helmet, Ben blasted off in the direction Max told him they'd be headed.
Other Max flew all over the city with the Hardening Person gaining speed on him real fast. This wasn't something Other Max suspected but knew there was a way of losing him. Other Max quickly flew up higher in the sky so that no one could catch him. The Hardening Person watched as the hero left his reach. This enraged the person until he looked beside him at a parked car. If Other Max was going to play games like this, there was only one way to get him down! The Hardening Person lifted the car with all of his strength and threw it at Other Max. Without enough time to think of a deflection move, Other Max moved out of the way but still got damaged by the car. The car had managed to knick his shoulder, causing the young hero to lose grip on the Zeel.
The glowing red artifact began making his way down to the surface. Both the Other Max and the Hardening Person saw the trajectory of where the Zeel would land. They rushed to be the first ones to grab it. With both of them at the same distance, the Hardening Person jumped up and caught it before Other Max. But since the Other Max was the person, he grabbed him by his head and slammed his body into the ground. Other Max pinned him down and stabbed his fingers into the Hardening Person's eyes. This caused the person to scream in agony until the Other Max stuck his head into his mouth and stopped.
"Drop the Zeel." Other Max said exhaustedly. "Or I'll send so much electricity through you that you'll look like a lit up Christmas tree!"
That's when the Hardening Person opened the hand that carried the Zeel, only what was in his palm gave the both of them grief.
Ben and Max both arrived at the scene to see what the Other Max had managed to do about the situation, but when they saw the horrific look on the Other Max's face, Ben was the first to run in.
He got close enough to see that the Zeel had been crushed into little pieces by the Hardening Person. Ben looked into the eyes of the Other Max, who was almost as equally let down. This was not good at all. Ben was given strict orders to return the Zeel back to the hands of the androids. With the artifact now destroyed, he had no idea what fate he'd face upon seeing them again...

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