War OutBreaks

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Giang Huang was walking the streets of Los Angeles after that huge earthquake the planet had experienced a few minutes ago. She was trying to help as many people as she possibly could to get to safety. Her cell phone then began to buzz. Giang stopped and pulley it out to see it was Robert. Giang didn't expect his call which made her think that something really bad had happened or something really bad was about to happen. Giang hesitantly answered the phone, "Baby?" Robert was panting harshly. He said, "Giang!" Giang asked, "What happened? How did things go?" Robert said, "We got hit hard. We lost England!" Giang tried to grasp what she was hearing. She asked, "What happened? Where's Chris?" Robert said, "We got separated! But you need to stay away from Jola!" Giang asked, "What? Why?" Robert said, "He's too powerful! You can't hurt him! And you definitely can't beat him alone!" Giang agreed and asked, "Where are you?" Robert said, "I'm still in the U.K." Before Giang could even ask another question she looked ahead of her and saw something approaching the city from far away. Giang recognized the object to be an alien space ship. She said to Robert, "I'm going to have to call you back!" Robert was trying to get her to understand how important it was not to fight Jola but Giang didn't understand the heaviness yet. She ended the call and began to make a dash toward a person that could help her fight Jola.
    A Hispanic YouTuber named Ben was looking outside his window staring at the incoming space ship that looked to bring destruction and death behind it. He gathered as many of his alien weapons as he could. But he stopped when he heard a hurried knock on his door. Ben turned around startled by the knocking and ran over to whilst trying to whip the sweat from his forehead. He opened the door to see Giang standing their waiting for him to open the door. Ben looked at her nearly surprised to be next to her if their doom wasn't inching toward the city. Ben said, "Hello..." Giang asked, "Are you the Mexican Youtuber that helped my boyfriend a few weeks ago?" Ben agreed and said, "You're Giang Huang!" Giang agreed and entered the apartment. Ben asked, "What are you doing here?" Giang said, "I need a team to help me protect the city." Ben couldn't believe what she was asking. He said, "You aren't seriously considering fighting those aliens?" Giang looked out the window and shrugged. She said, "I've done something similar before." Ben nodded and said, "I know, in Moscow! But this is different. You had many more people fighting behind you! Now it's just you and me!" Giang agreed and said, "I know someone else who can help. But he's far from us." Ben asked, "Who are you talking about?" Giang said, "It doesn't matter. You got weapons?" Ben nodded and led her into a chest in the corner of his living room. He said, "I know a guy who steals these things and gives them to me for safe keeping. I never thought I'd need them." He took out his keys and unlocked the chest. Once he opened it he revealed the many alien weapons lying inside. Giang stared down at it surprised by how many he had. Ben looked back up at her and asked, "You want any?" Giang ripped out her sword and said, "I've got everything I need right here."
    Loud booming sounds were being created outside. Ben and Giang stopped what they were doing and ran over to the window to see what was going on. Space crafts were already flying through the city destroying everything in sight. Ben hadn't been in a battle like this before and seeing this destruction scared him. He asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Giang nodded and said, "We don't have much of a choice. The rest of my team is scattered everywhere else protecting other countries." Ben looked at her knowing what she was saying. Ben said, "We're alone." Giang agreed becoming a bit worried herself of their fate.
    Giang turned around and began to leave the apartment to go outside and fight. Ben looked at her and asked, "What do you know about what's going on today?" Giang stopped before she could open the door. She said, "I know that we're going to need as much help as we can possibly get." Ben asked, "What about Jola? What do you know about him?" Giang said, "Not much. I know he's created the alien threats I've had to deal with for the past five years." Ben said, "You obviously don't know much at all. He determined, this alien, to eradicate us all for our wrong doings." Giang said, "Except for the part that all we've done is protect the planet from things like him." Ben said, "This is a story that goes back before our time. Even before your parents." Giang shook her head trying to ignore everything Ben needed to say. Giang said, "I don't want to hear about what we did to cause him to be pissed. I've got a job to do. WE'VE got a job to do. So let's stop these aliens before they kill any more people." Ben agreed on that part and grabbed a fully loaded laser gun. He said, "If that's what you want!"

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