Hero to Zero

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It was at a bus station in Cusco that a young man named Hector was about to step onto a bus that would take him far from the city. His captor, an android named Jaiquil, had been destroyed by Hector himself and a few other captured men. They had all gone their separate ways to start a new life.
While Hector was standing in line for entry onto the bus, a voice yelled at him from behind.
"Drop your bags!" A Cusco police officer ordered Hector from behind with a gun aimed at his back. "Drop them now!"
Hector was very confused as to how he was caught so quickly. He was, in fact, surrounded by Cusco police officers. Hector was trapped in this circle of police officers with guns pointed at him. He knew the right thing to do was surrounder. As he dropped his bags and began to put his hands on top of his head, a familiar voice appeared in his head. The voice of his captor; Jaiquil!
He questioned how this was even possible since they literally just destroyed Jaiquil a few days ago.
Jaiquil was actually telling him to use his powers and kill everyone in the name of Max Walker. Hector wasn't going to do this, but somehow he lost control of his own body. He used his powers of telekinesis and began choking everyone around him.
There were a few people who weren't in Hector's sights and managed to record the entire event on their phones.
Everyone that Hector choked was killed in seconds. Those that weren't attacked gasped for air.
"This is for you," Hector said with pride suddenly appearing in his voice. "Max Walker!"

Eight hours later, the information became worldwide. It was now the first piece of news everyone saw before the story of someone being hung on a light pole in India with words written in blood on their body. Every Powered Person Jaiquil experimented on had killed multiple people for Max Walker. When they were arrested, they fully heartedly told the police and investigators that Max Walker told them to do this and they did it in his name. A few didn't believe it, but everyone else believed that Max Walker had become the leader of these maniacal Powered People. The governments of those countries now began asking for Max to come forward.
Eventually they reached out to the United States government ordering them to make Max give a statement.
The US government tried reaching Max, but he never answered. So they began searching for the young Chosen One by sending agents and officers to find him. He was nowhere to be found.

The android ship that surveyed the planet for any outerworld threats had learned of what was going on but since this was a human affair and didn't risk the lives of any humans on Earth, they ignored it.
Benjamin Mendoza had been on this ship working with the androids when he learned of what happened to Max. After this information was received, he rushed to find the captain of the ship.
The captain of the ship knew Ben would be coming to speak with him on the matter and prepared to give Ben all the reasons why he didn't order any attempts on Max being revealed as the innocent person he truly is.
Ben entered the Command Center of the ship.
"Why?" Ben asked. "Why won't you help him?"
The captain smiled over Ben's predictability and turned to him. He explained that these situations that are happening on Earth are human only issues. They were given strict orders from their Creator to not get involved unless the planet was at risk.
"But he is a Chosen One." Ben said, trying to get the captain to understand. "He is part of the reason why the people on the planet are still alive today!"
The captain had his hands tied. He couldn't allow any androids to get involved in the issue Max was dealing with and if humans were really willing to believe such a stupid lie, then that was something Max would have to deal with.
Ben couldn't believe how much a dick the captain was and exited the Command Center with plans of helping Max himself.
He stopped in the hallway and pulled out his cell phone. There was no way he could reach out to Max from above the planet. Ben had to go back to Earth. This was ridiculous. Why did Ben care so much about helping a kid he found annoying? He looked up at the ceiling trying to think of a way to not get involved, but he had to. Max is a powerful person and while annoying, he's a good kid. If only there was a way to get the people to understand why Max was actually being framed.
That's when he thought of it. There was a way to get the people to understand. The Zeel; an android device with the ability to reach any mind in any universe. Luckily the androids now possessed the Zeel which meant that Ben had a way of making sure Max could really be freed of this terrible crime people think he's involved with.

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