Chapter 2 (the fall and new place?)

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I got a question, what is a panic attack like?
Is it like, your heartbeat starts to rise whenever someone mention something that you want to avoid, like is it like your hands and toes feels like they're freezing but when u touch your face it's warm? Do panic attacks make our breathing worse like you breath very fast.
It's just that I'm doing that rn.

Warning!! this chapter contains the following :description of limb tearing, shattered glass, hight and dead body(minor once that aren't describe)

Techoblade pov: (third person)

The world felt like it was spinning around him.

It felt like he was in the void for so long, as if time was moving as fast as light.

It felt so painful, like he was being tear limb by limb and being put together to repeat that whole process over again.

'Is this my existence know?' 'Is this karma?' 'Damn' question starts to swirl around his head

His head felt like they were tearing but not as bad as his limbs

Can't even handle the pain

The voices are mocking him again
'You guys probably can't handle this pain too, so shut up!"

Surprisingly, the voices all stop, as if a miracle has happen, but that didn't last long though

When all of a sudden a blinding light shone under him.

He quickly took notice of this and brace himself as best he could for impact.


Izuku Midorya pov (third person)

It was just like any normal school day. Surprisingly, there wasn't anything interesting happening today, no villains were attacking.

That only grew his suspicion

Since this morning, Izuku has felt this strange anxiety at the bottom of his stomach, like a prediction of some sort.

like his body is tell him that something is going to happen today.

He didn't like that feeling.

It was the same feeling when something bad is going to happen.

His anxiety grew.


Technoblade Pov (third person)

Techno braced himself to hit the floor of some kind but he didn't

When he tried to open his eyes, he squinted a bit as the light hit his eyes.

When his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he opens them

He saw the sky.......


"HEH!?" Techno's eyes widen

He did not expect he was this high when he open his eyes

He flip himself over to see the ground

As he expected......he was very high

High enough for him to take damage but not die.

Techno was the blood God and with that title came all the advantages of a God.

Which means Techno cannot die but he will feel the pain of taking damage

And Techno was very high up in the sky, so.....he was going to be in for a lot of hurt, if he take that fall.

Techno mind could only wonder to one logical thing to do in this situation.

And that is to MLG water bucket

He went into his inventory and.....

Surprise, surprise!

He didn't have a water bucket

Well who could blame him, he WAS in the nether

Why would he have a water bucket on him when we was going to the nether

So, he braced for impact


Pro heros pov (3rd person)

Everyone in the school was getting ready to go to lunch

"BANG" everyone as shock and confuse

As they saw the bullet proof windows shattered on that impact made by a strange fallen object.

The pro heros was on the move

They ran through the hallway fill with students and shattered glass

Some pros were helping evacuating students out of the vicinity

They rushed outside and saw the devastation

The ground was shattered into pieces as if they were ice

The building around the mysterious object was a crumbling mess

Civilians were under the rubble and pros were trying to help

Some people were injured, some were died as they were crushed by rubble

They ran there as quickly as possible to examine the object and to save the civilian if the object was hostile

"Ugh.........." the heros stop that sound presumably from the object or person

A person's hand stretched out at the middle of the destruction

The hand grasp a piece of ground and starts to sit up

A presumably male sat up, one of his hand grasp onto his head as pink hair flow down onto the ground besides him

The heros were shock, they were confuse at how much destruction can cause by one single person and that person was still alive

They expected that if it was a living object then it would've died, but this person was alive and well, with only minor bruising

The male presumably, judging by his voice when he groan, was wearing a monarch outfit with a crown on his head

The hero eraser head was the first to take action

He saw the man try to stand up but stumble and rushed to apprehend him

He used his scarf to wrap the male so that he can't move

To eraser's surprised, the man only try to resist a little only to faint afterwords

"This made my job easier" eraser was tired and wanted to get this job over with

Soon, the other hero join him at arresting the man, carrying his body to a jail cell and putting him in an anti-quirk cuffs


Hello, it seems like writing this made me abit more relaxed
Well relaxed enough to sleep anyways

Word count: 922

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