Chapter 13(Flashback and house tour)

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I, for some reason don't feel like studying for the exam tomorrow 

WARNING: BLOOD AND  GORE(not really its just a flashback of how Tommy got one of his big scar across his abdomen)


Phil had knocked both Dream and Techno out and was currently carrying the two of them back to their dorm

Tommy stared at the dorm room in awed

Although Tommy had live along life, he was still young by the Gods standard

Tommy lived as a nomad,

He wandered around and creating all sort of troubles


He, one time came across a God

He was a naïve mortal who was overly confident 

So, he challenged the God

The fight was already determined before it could even begin

Before Tommy could blink, a whip had slashed open his abdomen

He felt warm blood seeping through his white tunic and staining it red

 He look down and saw a large gash across his body

His organs were falling out and he felt the world come falling with it

He hit the ground with a thud

He watched as the god stood over him and whisper to him something along the line of,

'Oh, how foolish of you mortal boy' 

He saw she put one of her finger on his forehead 

His eyes felt heavy, he felt it slowly closing

'is this how I die? I'm still 17, I want to live, there's still so much I want to do, why, why did I think would win that fight, she was a god and I'm-I'm nothing but a human kid.........' As he drift into what he felt like death, one single tear fell from his eye

Tommy woke up, to his surprise, he was still alive

He place his hand over the now bandaged wound

He lift his tunic and proceed to rip the bandage out, wanting to see the damage

He was about to rip the last one out, then the door open and he saw a faded blond hair man accompanied by another pink haired man

Tommy was wary of the two, but soon he drop his wariness

The blond man rushed to Tommy as he saw the bandages on the bed and floor

The other man was just by the door and was evaluating him

 "Ah! The bandages!!!" the blond gasp as he rushed to Tommy's side

"The kid ripped all of the bandages I put him in" The pink haired man glared

"S-Sorry......" Tommy apologized bowing his head

"It's ok, just don't do that again" the blond man picked up all the bandages and starts to redo it

"My name's Philza Minecraft, what's yours?" Philza starts a conversation

"M-My name is Tommy, Tommy innit" he said with his utmost confidence

They began to chit chat and Tommy learnt that the pink haired man name is Technoblade

"Technoblade......That's a dumb name" Techno rolled his eyes at the boys remark

"Phil gave me that name" Tommy's eyes widen

"Well....It's not so dumb....." Tommy shrunk, he felt like an idiot of doing that

From what Phil had told him,

He was near the temple of the God of mischief

He told him that miraculously Tommy had survive a slash to the stomach

And he said Tommy had some how become a demi-God,

Maybe the god took pity on  the 17 year old boy

And that was how Tommy became the demigod of mischief


Back at the present

Tommy entered the house and was greeted by two large white couches

Tommy immediately jumped on the one of couches and landed on the floor

He miscalculated and know his back hurts

Phil chuckled at this, he walk over to where the couch were and put Techno and Dream on it

"Here..." Phil was still laughing and extended his arm to Tommy

"Don't laugh at me old man" Tommy snarled and grab Phil hand and hoist himself up

"Haha! You want to see the whole house mate?" Tommy got to his feet and nodded

His eyes filled with glee as he followed Phil

He went to the kitchen and saw all the furniture

He immediately went up the fridge and opened it

There, he saw a half gallon of milk just sitting there with some fruits and meat

He close, no, slammed the door and walked away

He then proceed to go to the stove, in which, Philza had to stop him from trying to burn the house down

They then walked around the house

Philza point out where the bathrooms were

Tommy open the door to the bathroom and stared in awe

He saw white floors and a ceiling full of light

There was even a gigantic mirror near the sink

Tommy walk in the bathroom and opened all the stalls

After Tommy exited the bathroom

Phil lead him up The stairs and into the main bedrooms

There were doors line up the hallway

It was a hotel of sort

Tommy went up to all the rooms and open all the doors

In which, Phil return it by giving Tommy a smack to the head

And was forced to closed all the door back

Soon, Tommy found a room with a view that he likes

Phil handed him the keys and let him do his own thing,

Like set up a bed and some chests


Alright it is currently 5 am in the morning and I woke up at 4 am to do some studying

Go me for being very productive today

Word count: 921

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