Chapter 64(Recount)

537 33 28

Tw: Gore?


Philza sip his tea, as he listen to Izuku.

"And, we woke up after the USJ attack", Izuku said.

Philza nod, "I see. You two must have been through a lot", he said.

Izuku slump his head down.

"Jeez, and I thought Techno's back story was bad, but wait it was", Wilbur chimed in, his head hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Izuku jumped, his feet jumped on the sofa, whilst Bakugo flinched.

Phil side eyed Wilbur, before Techno came into the room, with soot all over his body.

"Where's Tubbo", Techno asked, his mask in one hand.

At that moment, Tubbo was thrown out of shadow behind Phil.

"There he is", Phil said, pointing towards Tubbo, who was curled up with black soot all over his face and hands.

Techno started to walk forward, with intense blood list.

But he was stopped by the crows, who came back and took Tubbo into the shadows again.

"NOOOOO, PHILZA HELP-!?", Tubbo pleaded, before the crows dragged him back into the shadows.

Techno was ticked off, but he heard something from his voices that intrigued him.


Techno sigh, but he let out a chuckle, as he smirked.

"I'll be going out for a while", Techno said, walking out of back door.

Philza waved, "Make sure not to caused too much damaged", he said.

"Alright, a promised a can't keep", Techno said, before disappearing into a fog of red.

"And there he goes", Phil said.

Izuku and Bakugo watched as Techno's red fog turned into eyes that seems to watched their every movement, before it disappeared along with the silhouette of the pink haired man.

But what caught Izuku attention, was his curiosity. What does Wilbur mean when he said, 'I thought Techno back story was bad'. How bad was it.

"Uhm, if I may asked, what does Wilbur san mean when he said that Techno san backstory was bad?", Izuku hesitatenly asked.

Philza eyes widen, "I didn't expect you to ask that", He said, his eyes glinted with a hint of curiosity.

Wilbur floated down, setting himself on the sofa, before changing into alivebur.

His appearance looks of a middle aged 24 year old man, but with the white streak in his hair, tells a different story.

"So, you two wanna know about Techno's history?", Wilbur asked, leaning on his hands, as he stare down at the two mortals.

Izuku slowly nodded, gulping at the pressure.

"Then", Wilbur said, before pulling out a paper.

"Sign this", He said, placing the paper on the table, revealing it was a contract.

Izuku picked it up and started to read through it, finding a few unreasonable requests.

"If this information ever get leaked by the other party, then the people around them shall suffer the wrath of the rock?", Izuku spoke aloud, tilting his head to the side.

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