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"Dad, mom! Look! I got some flowers for you!"

A young boy laughed happily while handing the flowers to his parents, who patted his head.

"Thank you! These are some nice flowers, aren't they?" The father asked his wife. She smiled warmly at him.

They were a happy family.

Not far away, another young boy watched the interactions among the three. 

His dark teal blue hair flowing with the wind, ember eyes stared longingly. 

How he wanted to experience that love too.

Suddenly, a hoarse and fierce voice called out to him. A middle-aged man with an eye-catching delicate crown on his head stood behind the boy.

"Xiao, what are you looking at? Are you lazing around again?! Didn't I tell you to practise your sword skills?! The future of this kingdom is in your hands, how am I going to trust you with this if you don't start working hard?! Learn from your sister, look at how hardworking she is, unlike you!" 

The man pointed at a young girl with soft blue hair and horns, she was swinging a sword, beads of sweat trickled down her face, but she seemed unfazed.

"If it weren't for the rules that stated only men can rule over this kingdom, I would have thrown you out of this place! What a disgrace for the royal family. Start practising now!" The man roughly pushed the young boy named Xiao.

'Yes, father." He said while bowing.

He took one last glance at the family of three, before walking away silently.






Meanwhile, not far away in a village, a young boy with twin braids on the sides and dark hair that faded into teal sat beside a bed in a small house. On the bed, was a frail-looking but beautiful middle-aged woman.

"Mom, you can't believe what happened today! Uncle Diluc and Uncle Kaeya fought with each other again, but they chose the wrong place to do it! They fought by the bridge and ended up falling into the river together! Now, they refused to talk to each other ever again! It was hilarious!" The young boy laughed, emerald green eyes glinting with humour.

The lady smiled at him. She listened closely to the boy ranting about interesting things that happened.


She weakly held his hand.

"Yes, mom?" He flashed a smile.

"Mom probably can't accompany you in the future anymore, remember to take good care of yourself and be a good boy, alright?" She smiled sadly at him.

"What are you saying, mom?" The boy puffed up his cheeks, trying to look angry. "I'll take good care of you! Once you recover, you'll accompany me to see the sunset on Galesong Hill, right?"

The mother didn't answer, instead, she kept smiling at him.

The boy looked happy and carefree on the outside,

but he is terrified on the inside.






Helloo! Author here!

What did you think about this chap? I would like to know your thoughts 👀

Enjoy your day ig? I don't really know what else to say...

Thanks for checking this out! <3

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