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Xiao's POV


I woke up, covering my eyes from the bright light that shone from above.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I looked around.

Where am I? Shouldn't I be in the cell?

I recalled what had happened.

I shot up from the bed and groaned in pain clutching my stomach.

I stared at my arms and torso, clear of any scars, clean from blood.

My eyes glittered.

I wouldn't have stand seeing my blood and wounds for another day.

I looked around, noticing I was the only person in here.

Has Aether gone crazy or something? Leaving me unguarded.

I slightly flinched at the name Aether.

I shook my head. 

Suddenly, I had a thought.

I'm the only one here.

That means...

My eyes widened and I swung my legs off the bed.

I may be able to escape!

I attempted on standing but my legs buckled at the pressure and I fell and hit the ground hard. However, I suppressed my groan which turned into a soft whimper, I can't alert anyone.

I slowly crawled up, attempting to stand again but fell once more.


I have to stand.

This is my chance.

If I missed it I might not be able to escape anymore.

Images of Ganyu flashed through my mind.

She was smiling, so happily.

If I don't go back, the smile will turn into a tearful face of despair.

It breaks my heart.


That bright stupid sunny grin I can never get out of my mind.

I can't stand seeing it replaced with a frown.

Hu Tao.

The always cheerful girl, energetic and active.

I can't let her turn into the opposite of what she is.

I need to strive.

Not for myself, but for everyone.

For the people I care about.

I forcefully pushed myself up, clenching my teeth from the immense pain.

It was tempting to fall back down, succumb to the pain and just lay there helplessly.

But I kept going.

I shakily stood up slowly, the pain stinging through my body.

I was finally on my feet.

I smiled.

However, my body started swaying side to side and my legs start to buckle.

I held on to the wall to support myself.

I walked along the wall, wincing at the constant wave of pain that washed through my body.

Little by little, I walked towards the door.

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