Unexpected Visit.

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A day by with no meeting or talks, and simply no sex, another day went by like that due to me skipping the college without any reason, but the next day which was the weekend—In the evening I received a text from him when I was busy making the cake's frosting—Baking was always a preferable idea to endure my boredom.

The bing sound of the phone diverted my attention from my task and wiping my hands on the apron I quickly reached to the other side of the counter to get my phone.

The unknown caller ID caused the confusion to rise, my brows rose in suspension and I received the call.


The very familiar spoke from the other side of the phone, "Open the door."

"Who are yo—"

"Veronica, I am well aware that you've recognized my voice," His chuckle cut through, "So, love.. stop talking and open the door.

I couldn't utter another word after hearing him call me 'love'. It was actually unexpected to hear something from him. I made my way to the door, still somehow couldn't believe that he bothered to come here— I mean, there is no such thing between us such as...forget it! I am overthinking for no reason.

I twisted the doorknob and soon as the door was opened I found him standing there in all glory--God! This man's face never failed to mesmerize me.

He is a piece of art you have fucked with-- Not even a second later after spotting him even my thoughts started going crazy.

"Well, I think you were pretty occupied in your task." His deep blue eyes eyed my body inch by inch, the realization that I was wearing almost nothing other than a t-shirt that barely covered my butt and the apron that scarcely saved my dignity.

"Oh—I was just making a cake." I nervously informed the gaze he had only me had already started to darken letting the hunger surface.

"Really?" His eyes finally moved to look at my face.

"Yeah, I like baking..actually."

"You look very... nice in this attire." He swiped his tongue on his bottom lip as he spoke, the look alone told me what was going in his mind.

"Umm...Why don't you come inside? The cake is almost ready, anyways."

"You are offering me Cake?" The grin took over, the meaning behind those words seemed surprisingly different from the way they sounded.

"Yeah— If you like so then...."

"I would love to." The smirk took over.

Okay--There must be an innuendo, there was no way he could be talking about the cake at this moment; I knew that smirk very well.

"Come inside, then." I smiled and stepped aside to give him room to come inside.

He shook his head slightly and spoke "After you."

"Oh, ok!" I almost stuttered.

And soon as I turned around, I literally felt his gaze on my butt. The reason behind him telling me to go first now seemed extremely apparent, well..he wanted a good view of my butt.

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