Chapter 8: The broken puts there friends first.

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No one's pov.

The scene takes place in a small apartment where an argument between a father and daughter can be heard. I'm not listening to this. And the daughter reveals herself to be Cho, who was seen grabbing her bag and was ready to walk out the door. What so hard about doing one thing, stay away from the kamados and Takahashi's. They are inturupting your studys and- No you listen to me. Cho says as she gets her phone.

When you left with your mistress you know who comforted me, my friends.

When I had to go thru women hood, my friends were there to help me out.

When I was dumped, my friends took me out for ice cream.

So sorry to say this old man, but my friends are more family then you could ever be!

Cho went off on her father, as the old man only grabs his beer bottle and proceeds to throw it at her. *CRASH*if your mother were here she would have been so dissapointed to see what came out of her vagi- BYE ASSHOLE*SLAM*. Cho slams the door and runs down the steps. Hearing the rageful screams of her father only motivated her reasons to leave her former home. The sad part about storys like this is that there are no such thing as a good begginning.

As Cho was walking down the sidewalk, she notices that her phone is about to die. Shit. shit, shit, shit. Cho complains as she passes by a window that shows a reflection of something climbing down the wall of a building. But Cho doesn't notice the figure approaching her, as she was texting Aoi asking if she could stay over. All while a shivering and bloody hand was reaching out for her shoulder.*clack*- eh? Cho says in shock as she proceeds to turn her head to see who was behind her

But she saw no one was there. That's odd. Cho says to herself as she was about to continue walking. *clack*. Until she stops and was shocked to see a portable charger on the ground with a wire that fits her charging port. This had  Cho even more confused as she picks it up and looks around. Ok...whoever is stalking me. I just want to let you know.....Im only into Akio....or fat asses....and one of my friends is a boar. Cho threatens as she raises a brow and points her finger in the air. But there was no response as only the night air passes her by.

So without waisting an opportunity, Cho decided to plug in the charger and start texting her group of friends in a group chat.

Group chat:

Cho: Hey guys, you up to hang at the park?

Himari: Yeah me and bro are down, I heard that some teenagers actually made a huge skate ramp.

Kanao: You have my attention now.


Aoi: my name is Aoi, Turn off your captions you dumb boar, and yes I will!

Tanjiro: me and Nezuko are down

After seeing there text, Cho felt a sense of comfort as she continues to walk to Aoi's place. Not even noticing the man with the blue and black hoodie was keeping his distance as he proceeds to follow her for the night.

2 months have officially passed sense the battle with lower moon four. And as the summer heat is slowly rising,  Kanao was seen at the skate park doing her usual tricks with alot more sweat rolling down her face. She Flys up on the ramp with her skateboard as she proceeds to flips and land as she nudges Himari with her elbow. Whatcha ya think Takahashi, a perfect score? Kanao asks as she leans against the small wall. I gotta say Tsuyuri, you ain't as bad as I thought. Himari points out as Kanao stops and kicks her board up. Don't praise me just yet, I want to see what you got up your sleeve. Kanao says as Himari smirks. Alright then, Watch this. Himari says as she climbs up the ramp.

The Fox Ronin Eclipse & The Slayers Spider Lilly (Tanjiro X Kanao Kny Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now