Chapter 27 || Making Up For It

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You sighed as you sat up from your bed, you can't think of a way to stop Mikey from letting Kisaki be the third squad captain.

"Y/n! I'll be going out for a bit!" You hear your father from outside of the room.

"Sure!" You replied back, you soon heard the door open and then close, informing you that your father left the apartment leaving you alone.

"I need to find Takemitchy for answers." You murmured and immediately stood up to go to your closet to change clothes. It was just a plain blue hoodie with sky blue shorts and then paired it up with flip flops.

You went out of your bedroom and locked it close before going to the front door only to be surprised by Mikey in a birthday hat and a strawberry cake in his hands.

"Happy birth-" Before he can even finish the sentence you instinctively slammed the door shut. You released a breath before opening it again.

"You still mad at me?" Mikey tilts his head cutely with a pout.

"No, I'm not." You reply slightly lying, you were still mad at him for not even listening to you, but he too doesn't know the truth and what you heard from Takemichi is that you shouldn't tell anyone about it.

"Yay~" Mikey cheers cutely and straightens his hand towards you to show you the strawberry cake.

"What's this?" Your brows raised.

"It's your birthday today right?" He asks, you immediately realized and nodded.

"Ah, yeah, sorry I forgot." You say then furrowed your brows as you looked down, reminding yourself that you gotta focus on the main problem right now.

"What's wrong? You look disturbed? You still mad? Were you just lying?" Mikey bombarded, you smiled a little and shook your head no.

"It's nothing, thanks for the cake, Mikey." You smiled sweetly and accepted the cake, your quickly went to the kitchen to put it in the refrigerator and then walked back to the front door only to see Mikey on the living room, sitting on the couch. He looks at you.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asks, you nodded your head lightly, he then stands up. "I'm tagging along." He sent you an eye-closed smile.

"Ah-no, it's okay I think I'll go alone." You backed off a bit, Mikey's smile faltered and turned into a frown.

"You're still mad at me aren't you?" He questions. You shook your head again.

"I promise I'm not, it's just, I need to do this alone, it's nothing big anyways." You try to reassure and smiled.

"But we haven't even cut the cake yet." He looks at you. You sighed tiredly and thinned your lips.

"Fine, maybe I can go later tonight." Mikey jumped at you, wrapping his arms around your neck while cheering cutely. You couldn't help but hug back and smile.

Mikey immediately went to the kitchen and took out the cake, he grabbed a knife and returned back to the living room. You took a seat on the couch and watched him cut the cake and bring drinks from the ref also.

"Here~" He cutely sits next to your and hands you the plate of cake. You took a fork and took a bite on the cake.

"It's yummy~" You munched in happiness, tasting the sweet and savory flavour of the cake.

"I'm glad you like it." Mikey smiled cutely.

"Thanks, Mikey." You patted his head lightly. Mikey lays the plate on your lap and wraps his arms around your waist while he took the change to nuzzle in your neck.

"I'm sorry about what happened that time, as I said, we needs Kisaki to win against Valhalla." He brings up the matter. You tighten your grip on your fork and showed a smile.

"I'm not mad at you for that, I just don't trust Kisaki." You say, Mikey nodded.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything." He spoke which made you tighten your grip again. You didn't reply anymore and just proceeded to take another bite on the cake.

"Wanna go on a date?" Mikey questions out of blue.

"Isn't this a date already? Spending time with each other?" You raised brows.

"But this is boring, It doesn't count." Mikey separates his head from your neck and laid his chin on your shoulders. "I wanna make up for you, I know you got mad at me and I don't like it." he says with concern, telling you he was serious about it.

"It's really okay, this is already fine for me." You try to reassure but it didn't seem to be working, Mikey was still frowning.

"You're not looking fine, something is wrong I just know it." He insists on you telling him what the problem was.

"Mikey, nothing is wrong, I promise." You pushed, Mikey sighs but smiles in the end, finally looking like he's believing your words.

"Okay." He said, you nodded and took another bite at the cake again. After a few moments, Mikey suddenly stood up.

"Alright! Let's go out!" He takes your hand, just before you can even reply back he already had you dragging out of the room.

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