Chapter 43 || Changes

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"Mikey can we talk?" you ask the male, Mikey nodded and went outside with you.

"What's up?" he asked as he munched on the dorayaki.

"Let's break up." you told causing his eyes to widen.

"Did I do something? Y/n you can just tell me and I'll fix it." Mikey stepped closer but you stepped away.

"I'm sorry, it's a personal reason, g-goobye." before Mikey could stop you, you immediately ran away with Mikey calling your name.

It was a dick move to breakup with him during Christmas but you had no choice, you knew you couldn't save the guys from getting killed if you don't break up with Mikey.


That was 6 days ago, Mikey had been coming over to yours apartment, trying to talk to you.

"What was the reason?"


It ended up with everyone in Toman hating you, Draken had a fight with Mikey because the male had been childish, Mikey had been doing childish things just because a girl broke up with him. Ofcourse Draken was mad at you too, mad because you broke up with Mikey even though you guys were doing so well, it came to a point that he thought you just played around with him.

You became the person Toman hated the most.

You wanted to apologise and tell them but you couldn't, you couldn't stand the fact that everyone hates you now. Baji and Chifuyu tried their hardest to keep their cool and try to talk to you but they eventually ran out of patience.

"Y/n, I'm going to have a business trip later, are you gonna be okay alone here?should I call Mikey? Chifuyu? Baji?" Your father asked you, the one who still didn't know what happened after these days. You shook your head no and forced yourself to smile.

"I'll be fine, be safe." you told him as you hugged him goodbye.

Your father smiled and went on his way after that.

Today was new year's eve, meaning that the fight will soon happen, you kept restraining yourself from going out and help them.

"Y/n-chan? It's Tatsumi." you stood up and opened the door, it revealed Tatsumi with a box of cupcakes infront of you.

"Hey..." you managed to reply.

"Do you still want me to help Toman? Didn't you break up with Mikey?" he asked. You nodded.

"I'm trusting you with all of my heart Tatsumi." You told him, Tatsumi smiled brightly and swore on his pinky finger making you laugh a bit. He dropped off the box of cupcakes and left eventually.

You put the cupcakes inside the refrigerator and went back inside your bedroom. Not a moment later someone knocked on your door.

"Y/n..." it was Mikey's voice, you gripped on the sheets and closed your eyes, trying to shut his voice out.

"Please talk to me." Mikey spoke again.

"You promised..." you bit on your lower lip, remembering the time you promised him that you would stay with him.

"Was it a lie?" he asked, his voice was faint but it was clear to hear. You sucked on your breath and stayed quiet.

Mikey eventually left, already giving up on trying to talk to you, he knew you won't talk to him after the breakup but he still wanted to try.

Mikey felt like a part of him went missing after that day you ran away without giving him any explanations.

He worked hard to keep you beside him all this time, even from the beginning, you were part of Shinichiro and you were the only one who could understand him.

The time you beat him by kicking him in the face, Mikey let you beat him on purpose so that he can let you join the gang as secondary president, he wanted to be by your side, that's why he kept bugging you.

The time you had told him about who trained you caught him shocked, he was shocked because you kept waiting for him and that you didn't know what happened to Shinichiro and that you remembered him after all these years.

"Mikey-kun, we need to go." Takemichi approached Mikey, Takemichi didn't know a single thing why you broke up with him, you didn't manage to tell Takemichi, you thought that it would be a risk.

Takemichi hated seeing Mikey all gloomy but he got a clue that you were doing this to change your future.

It was finally 10:59 pm when you decided to go out. You didn't even know where you were going, you wanted to find Kazutora or Kisaki and stop them but they might be at the fight right now.

You could've had celebrated with Mikey and the guys tonight if it wasn't for the fuckers that blocked the way. You needed to get rid of them before everything gets worse.

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