"H-ʜᴇʏ..!" 4 beasts x Reader Part 2

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[This had Fluff + Smut, dont You even try to Read my oneshots if ur a Minor>:(]
You woke up in Enzukai's lap, she Pulled your head to Her Clothes. You felt her tits now. She was Looking at you. Sama was a bit Jealous that Enzukai Bring You to her lap, Sama had an Idea. She was N4k3d. You'll were blushing On how her body was so Hot and Beautiful. Enzukai was now Jealous and Angry at her. She knows what she will do. "BakaY/N, Can you sit on my lap~?" Sama said. Enzukai Leave to her Bedroom. She takes off Your Panties and Bra, You were n4k3d like Sama. You were sitting on her Lap. She takes off your Panties and she rub it, You m0an3d "A-ahh~~..Nghh..Sama...Stop..~ mmm~~ A-AHHH~!" You've said. She even kisses you and Lick your mouth. You m0an3d loud and Louder, she even takes off your Bra and then Sucks your Tits, You liked it and You were Like a M0an1ng Mess! She rubs Ur tits. You liked it. "Ah~~ Sama~~ Your so good at t-this~~ Ah~~" your m0ans were so Loud and loud. "Your turn." Sama said. She takes off her Panties infront of you, she Forcing you to lick her P*ssy. You did it. She m0an3d. "G-go faster~ a-ah~~ F-faster now...You will b-be..M0mmy's Slut~" You licked her P*ssy gently and faster. Her m04ns were so Hot and Pretty,  She then Takes off Her Bra and Forces You to Sucks her Tits. You'll did. "A-ahh~ Y/N..Nghh~ A-AHH~" Her m04ns are Loud. You'll suck her Neck "A-ahh~~ M0mmy's Slut is so good at Topping M-m0mmy~" You kiss her Stomach. Enzukai Teleport You to her Bedroom. Sama was now Angry that  she stole Her Slut. She licks your P*ssy, Your m04ns are So hot now. "A-Ahh~~ Enzukai~~" "M04n my Name, Princess." She said. "M0mmy~" you M04n3d Her Name, She likes the Name. Then she cuddles you while kissing and Leaving You n4k3d.
Sama was Watching tv, Netamo was jealous, Yuma was a bit Jealous while Humming Quietly so no one Can hear her.
300+ WORDS😻-
pls dont Comment it- hehe..🥰-

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