"𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒." Sama x Reader again sisters😰✨

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Fluff😌 And a bit smut😰This was requested by mommyenzukai😳💘Not the smut-]
You were Walking to a Safehouse, You opened the door And hear some Loud High heels Footsteps(A baddie maam🤩💔)
You close The door and Hide to the Table, Your heart was beating Fast And starting to sweat.
The Lady opened the door and Finding you to the safehouse
"Oh Slut~ where are you~~?"
The lady said, smirking.
You were all red and still sweating.
You sneezed.
The lady hear the Sneezed voice and Found u.
"There you are!~"
Sama said, Smirking again.
She carries you and Kisses you.
You kissed her back.
"I just want to cuddle, My dear..Not having s3x On a Pretty Majestic girl like you~"
Sama said, smiling.
You're face is still sweating and Red.
"H-hey..What about u put me down and we cuddle..?"
You've said, smiling in a weak way.
Sama said, Putting u down and Cuddle u.
You were blushing, Sweating.
The lady was smirking.
She doesnt want to Let you go on her Body.
"H-hey..Let me Go!"
You've said, Blushing.
She ignores you, She still cuddling you...
"Just pls let me go..!"
You've said, Sweating.
"Fine..But We will cuddle Tomorrow~"
Sama said, Laughing In a hot way😫🙏
"A-alright..We will continue it Tomorrow...Lets go Home and take a shower."
You've said, Smiling.
"Alright, My cute Honey~"
Sama said, Walking with you.
You take a shower with Sama.
You feel something is off...
She squeezed your Soft Pink Nipples, You moaned Softly.
"H-hey..Dont do that~"
You've said between Your hot Soft Moans.
the Lady Was making Your Boobs Watery, You moaned and blushing while looking Away.
"Very needy arent you?~"
Sama said, smirking while Moaning.
You Put a Remote on her P*ssy, She was blushing while Moaning.
You sit on her Lap, Kissing She was still Moaning.
The lady hits her Limit and Moaned Loudly while Grabbing your Hair, Tightly.
You squeezed Her B00bs, Making her Moaned.
"A-ahh..~ Mmh~"
You grab her hand and Let her hand Plays with her nipples and Boobs, While your sucking it, Licking it.
She was shivering while Moaning.
♡︎At the Room🥰♡︎
You were Cuddling the Lady, Smirking.
Sama was Blushing and Looking away.
"We are very Needy, Arent we?~"
You've said, Moaning while Smirking.
"Indeed, My P*ssy Slut~"
Sama said between her Hot Gorgeous Beautiful Moans.
Here You go dirty minders.

❝✨𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐈 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐈 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲🍮❝Where stories live. Discover now