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May 24th. 

I create my story in life. I choose what path I want to go down. It's not up to anyone else or anything else. Nothing is my past will dictate what my future will become. And all I can do is look forward. 

"Sofia come on it's starting!" Luna says from the locker room door, breaking my out of my thoughts. 

I grab my cap and quickly run out the door with Luna. 

As we get to the field I see Alyssa and Riley waiting for us behind the stage, and I can hear the faint talking of the Principal.

"Look who finally made it," Riley jokes.

"I would never miss our graduation." I roll my eyes sarcastically. 

Luna nudges me, "Look at us, we made it." 

We made it. 

Can't tell you how many times I questioned if I would make it to this day. but i can tell you that I don't regret it. Any of it. 

New beginnings are often described as painful endings, but this ending isn't painful. 

I feel relieved to close off this chapter of my life and start fresh, with Coal and my friends. 

I don't know what I'm going to do after the summer but I don't need to know yet. All I need is what's right in front of me. 

Every time I was kicked when I was down, I got back up and it's only made me stronger for the rest of my life. I know for a fact I'm going to go through hell time and time again, but since I've already been through it I know that I will overcome it, and that gives me fucking strength. 

"Hi," Coal comes up behind my and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck gently.

"Hey," I whisper back, twisting my neck to kiss him.

Coal gives me strength. Not physically, but mentally. I feel like I'm on could nine with him. 

Nothing else matters when he is there, nothing.

And to be honest, I don't know if I would still be here if it wasn't for him. 

"You ready?" Coal says, spinning my arm to face him. 

"When am I not?" I smirk, "The real question is are you?" 

"Hmmm, I think so." He raises his eyebrows before smiling and kissing me again. 

So the girls won this year again. Even if it was nice to rub it in Coal's face for 2 weeks, it was bittersweet after what happened with my dad the same night. 

Coal helped me overcome it that night, it wasn't easy to let it all go, but I did. 

I'm ready to get the hell out of this town, and go somewhere. Somewhere with Coal, where we don't have to be reminded of our past every where we go. 

"Coal Demartino." The principal announces. 

"Oh shit that's me-" 

"Go, go, go!!" I laugh as I push him onto the stairs behind the stage. 

"Coal Demartino." the principal says again, in a questionable tone. 

"Right here." Coal says as he gets onto the stage and people clap as he accepts his diploma.

Not really sure how he managed t graduate with those awful grades. 

"Next we have Sofia Miller." 

Here we go. 

I walk up onto the stage and smile as I look out at the other students to side and see Coal's bright smile looking at me. 

I accept my diploma and walk off the stage to stand with the other students. Coal snakes his hand around my waist and pulls my closer to his side. 

"You look hot in that dress under your gown." He smirks. 

I playfully slap him. 

"Oh the things were gonna do tonight." He chuckles, earning himself another slap. 

Once everyone finishes, we all gather in our seats while the principal and valedictorian make speeches. 

"And this, is your senior class of 2021!" The principal announces and we all throw our caps in the air. 

It's official. 

"WERE FINALLY DONE WITH THIS SHIT HOLE!!" Noah exclaims, running and hugging Alyssa. 

I laugh. Oh Noah. 

My hand gets snatched by someone and I'm pulled into a chest once again. 

"So, wanna get out of here?" Coal smirks and jerks his side to the parking lot. 

"Depends.. who with?" I smile, wrapping my hands around his neck. 

He smiles "Oh you know, just me."

"Wouldn't miss it." I say before pulling him into a kiss. 

It feels like the first time I ever kissed him, sparks. My body aches for more of him every time and it get's more and more exciting. 

He mouth works perfectly on mine, and his lips just feel so right. 

"I love you," I say. 

"I love you more." Coal responds with a tough smile on his face. 

I frown, "I love you most of all." 

He chuckles, "Not even close." 

This is how I want my life to be. No worry about what tomorrow will bring, but excitement from what tomorrow will be. 

If I want to start a new chapter, I can't keep re-reading the last one, but I can keep parts from it.

And I am keeping Coal Demartino. Forever and Always. 


And that is the end of Covered By Her Scars

I can't express how much joy making this story has brought me over the past 7 months and I can't wait to start the next. 

if you have been here since day one of this story, you a real one <3 much love to all of you for reading my story and i hope you enjoyed it :)

| Sofia and Coal |

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