33 Briefing

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As time passes by, students start arriving one after another, and by the time it's already around 7:50 – which I knew thanks to the wall clock in the classroom – all the seats in the class have already been occupied. Even on my row, there's already 1 other student sitting on my left. Then not too long after that, a teacher finally arrived.

It was a male teacher who seems to be around the age of 30. He has black hair and grey eyes. Based on the huge eye bags below his eyes and his almost blank expression, he seems to be the type of person who's always tired.

He's also wearing an eyeglass which honestly makes him look more... tired.

"Greetings, students." He said with a... tired voice. He sounds like he has no energy to spend at all, and the way he stands – his posture, with his back slumping, made him look like he could drop dead at any moment.

"You have no lesson for History of the Lansera Kingdom this week because we will have a briefing first. Well, I don't really know what to call it. You can also call it a Welcoming Class if you want." He shrugged, and even though I can't read minds, I can already guess what's going on in the minds of the other students; Is this man really a teacher?

"Oh right, my name is Zen Arden. You can just call me Teacher Zen or... whatever you want," He stopped, yawning, before continuing again, "As I said, I'm here for the briefing. I'll be the Class 1-A consulting this year, you could also consider me as your adviser although we probably won't see each other that much unless you have some troubles as well as during rare occasions."

Looking at how much he's saying, Teacher Zen seems to be the talkative type. However, if one would pay enough attention, they would notice that, that's definitely not the case. Rather than being a talkative person, he's probably just talking in a rushing manner right now.

Which only means that he wants to get this done quickly and leave.

"Do you understand? So don't do troublesome things because that will bother me too. But if you ever need me even if I don't want to, then you can find me at the 1st Teachers Office."

Again, even though I can't read minds, just base on the expression of the other students and their silence, they're probably thinking something along the line of 'is this man really a teacher?'.

Teacher Zen Arden seems to be a unique person. When I played the game, I didn't encounter his character at all, his name wasn't even mentioned. As for this briefing or welcoming class... it wasn't mentioned as well because right after chapter 1, the focus of chapter 2 was already the heroine – Anastasia's encounter with the Crown Prince Deor in the Academy's garden.

It makes sense since the main focus of the otome game is romance, and it wasn't that necessary to go into great detail about how the lessons and such went. It just showed to the players what kind of classes and lessons are there, then occasionally, some chapters would revolve around those.

Well... I don't really have anything to say as long as he fulfills his responsibility and job of being our consultant or adviser well.

"Anyway, the first thing is... what is it again?" Despite not having the same ability as Anakin, I can feel the great urge of the others to say something.

"Right, I should be informing you guys of your groups as well." Teacher Zen said, and that got my interest. I was aware that there was a grouping in the game, but as usual, the game didn't go into great detail about how the groups were formed, when, and why or what for.

There would just be some parts of A Magical Romance wherein Anastasia would have interaction with the capture targets due to the groupings.

As for who are the people who have been grouped with Anastasia in the game... of course, it's the 4 capture targets and Aksia.

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