Chapter 31

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"Why didn't I think of this before?" Chaos exclaimed, banging his hand on the table.

A few minutes after Chaos gotten the note from Omega, he ordered all soldiers out of the room and summoned his third-in-command, who had a uniform decorated with bronze, and the man himself, Omega. 

Fortunately, Omega didn't bring his devil-child, so I only had to deal with confusion, and not exasperation. Everybody seemed in the know of something dangerous.

"Hold up," I said. "Who is Void?" I immediately regretted the question when everybody looked at me, making me the center of attention.

"Who's this?" the third-in command asked, referring to me. She was a pretty blonde, and had a mischievous glint in her eyes, as though she was a troublemaker. "I don't think you're supposed to be here. When Lord Chaos said all soldiers out, he meant—"

Rosaline cut her off before she could say anything else. "Jessica, I don't think you should question Perseus here. He's here on behalf of Chaos." 

Jessica opened her mouth to apologize to me, but I waved it away with a hand. "Don't worry about it," I said, giving her a kind smile. "You didn't know."

She smiled back at me. "I like this newbie," Jessica said, then shifted her attention to Chaos. "You better watch your back from now on."

"Please don't," Chaos groaned. "Percy is already too much to handle without you pitching in to help him." 

That only made Jessica smile devilishly at him, which made Chaos pale. 

"How good did you do on the test?" Omega asked me.

"Pretty good," I said. When Rosaline opened her mouth, I shifted my attention to her. "One word and I'll give you a gag made out of water."

"He defeated me," Rosaline said, grinning at me. I growled in annoyance and dove at her, catching her by surprise. Before we fell to the ground, she twisted so that I took the impact, then proceeded to start punching me. I started defending, and it turned into a full-out brawl. 

While we were rolling on the floor, trying to get the upper hand on the other person and inadvertently crashing into tables and chairs, Chaos merely sighed. He turned to an amused Jessica and simply said, "See?" 

"He's already my best friend," she replied, making Chaos roll his eyes in exasperation. 

Chaos then called out to me, "You want to know who Void is?"

I paused in the midst of punching Rosaline in her face. "Sure," I said, then got up, offering a hand to Rosaline. She took it, and I pulled her up. We then turned to face Chaos, acting as though we had not done anything.

"Are you done?" Chaos asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rosaline told him innocently.

Chaos shifted his attention to End. "Why aren't you scolding them?" he asked. 

"They're kids in comparison to you," End told him. "You should act more maturely."

"I invented—" Chaos began.

"Yeah, yeah, we got that already," I said. "You also invented equanimity, but,"—I gestured towards him in an exaggerated way—"it looks like you're having a hard time with that too."

Chaos just stared at me for a moment. "That's fair," he finally conceded. Omega cleared his throat loudly, bringing Chaos back onto track. "Oh right! We were talking about Void. She's my sister, turned to the side of evil and blah blah blah." He waved his arm around when he said the last part of the sentence.

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