Chapter Six

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Hey guys, I'm really, really, really sorry for not uploading recently. I feel really bad, but to be honest, I had the WORST writers' block, and I couldn't write any of my other stories, and I didn't feel like uploading when I couldn't write anything, and then I just plain old didn't feel good, and then this weekend I just couldn't upload. GOOD NEWS, THOUGH--My writers' block has been cured, 9 horrendously plotted 3 page stories later.


Here you guys go, the LONG AWAITED, VERY EVENTFUL, WELL DESERVED, Chapter Six!


Chapter Six

            As odd as it felt, for the next few weeks we actually got along. Neither of us argued, nor did we continue the ‘war’. We just smiled at each other when we passed each other in the hall way, maybe give each other a small wave.

            Tonight I had a date with Jack, I figured I’d give him a try, since I had no reason not to. I put on a nice black t-shirt dress, one that was both comfortable and stylish. I put on some beaded necklaces, and did my makeup.

            “You look perfect, Zare,” Charlie says. I jumped. He must have snuck in.

            “Uh…thanks,” I say quietly.

            “You just need one thing,” he says.

            “What?” I ask what am I forgetting; I’m not a forgetful person.

            “This,” he says, holding his hand up, and a silver heart necklace falls from his hand, dangling.

            “Oh, Charlie, I can’t-,” I start.

            “I want you to have it, you can’t talk me out of it, and I can’t give it to someone else,” he says. He walks over to me, and puts it around my neck. I look down and smile. It has a fancy ‘Z’ engraved in it.

            “Thank you,” I say, my eyes welling up with tears. I give him a hug, the tears falling down my face.

            “Sh, Zare, it’s okay,” he says, rubbing my back soothingly.

            “I don’t want an arranged marriage,” I say, my voice cracking.

            “I know, but you never know, Zare, he may be really nice,” Charlie says quietly, “You need to be strong. Will you be brave for me? Will you try it for me?”

            I look at his Tiffany’s box blue eyes. I nod slowly.

            “Good, now let me fix your make-up,” he says. I laugh.


            “You sounded really gay. I never would have thought I would hear the famous Player say that he needed to fix my make-up,” I laugh.

            “Yeah, well I didn’t think I’d ever say that. Go fix your make-up while I regain my manliness by standing over here macho-ly,” he chuckles, and stands posing like a superhero, arms on his hips.

            I fix my make-up, and hug Charlie goodbye. Both of our parents were gone for the week. My dad had a business trip, but I don’t know why his parents were gone.

            The doorbell rang, and I grabbed my purse. It was Jack. He took me out to dinner, and I found out he was twenty-seven, and a lot of other boring facts.

            “Okay, princess, let’s go,” he said.

            “Where?” I asked, confused.

            “To my place, or your place, it doesn’t matter, either way I’m getting laid,” he slurred drunkenly. He grabbed me, and kissed me roughly. He gripped my arm so hard it hurt, and dragged me out into an empty alleyway, and proceeded to try and undress me. I screamed, and managed to get away.

            I ran and ran. My dress was ripped, and I broke one heel, so I took off my shoes and carried them. I ran home, but saw his car in my driveway, and did the only thing I knew to do. I went to Charlie’s.

            “CHARLIE!” I screamed, banging on the door. The door opened up, and Charlie stood there looking shocked. I ran in, and slammed the door shut, leaning against it. I locked it, and hugged Charlie.

            “What’s wrong, Zare?” he asked, acting really worried.

            “JACK!” I said, and told him the story, tears streaming down my face.

            “I’m so sorry, Zare,” he says, looking at me sadly, and then he stand up, smiling.

            “I know what you need,” he grins, and pulls me to his kitchen. His house hasn’t changed much in the past years, it’s still homey, a quality that my house will never have.

            He goes to the fridge and pulls out a brand new bottle of vodka. He gets out two cups and fills them. He goes to the fridge and gets some ice, and I down my drink. He looks at me like I’m crazy.

            “Are you nuts? You just downed a cup of plain vodka!” he says.

            “Yeah, I honestly couldn’t care less.” I said.

            “Okay,” he said, chuckling softly. We finished the whole bottle, and I finally felt better.

            “Can I take a shower and borrow some clothes?” I ask.

            “Sure,” he says, and leads me upstairs. He hands me some clothes, and I go take a shower. I put on the sweats that he handed me, and I walk out. I hear the TV on in his room, so I walk into his room, and stop and lean against the open doorframe. He’s watching TV, some show on MTV.

            “Oh, Hi,” Charlie says, almost shyly.

            “Charlie. You aren’t shy, don’t act it,” I say.

            “Okay,” he says quietly. I walk over and sit beside him on his bed.

            “Why are you being shy?” I asked, “Like, you’re all nervous?”

            “Cause you make me nervous,” he mumbled.

            “Why do I make you nervous Charlie?”

            “Because you make me feel things that I’ve never felt before,” he says, looking at me straight in the eyes.

            “Like what?” I say.

            “Like if I don’t get you now, then you’ll be gone forever.”

            Then, the unthinkable happened. If you would have told me that this would happen a month ago, I would have never believed you in a million years. He kissed me. And this time, it wasn't for a 'war', or out of full-out drunken stupidity. He meant it.

Also guys, I'd love you F O R E V E R if you'd check out my other story, SUPERHUMAN. It's kind of this wierd sy-fy romance thing. I have it all planned out for a sequel, but I don't know, if I don't get any votes I won't finish it. So, please go and tell me what you think.

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