Chapter Eight

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Hey guys! This is the LAST chapter! WE STILL HAVE A BONUS CHAPTER AND AN EPILOGUE THOUGH! (: It's snowing here in never sunny Ohio. Yes, snowing at the end of March on a day that the meterologist said would have 'sun and no precipitation.' :| FML. ALSO! Please check out my NEW story, I Love You, Mr. Player , it's a pretty adorable story(so far) and it's an idea that's been on my mind for a while, so please go and check it out!


Chapter Eight

            I told my dad, and he called off the arranged marriage. I had to go to school today. Oh, yay. I wore some skinny jeans and my black converse with a hot pink tank top and a black leather jacket.

            “Zara? The neighbor boy is here to take you to school?” My dad called out, sounding mighty confused.

            “Oh, okay!” I say, grabbing my book bag, and running out the door. I walked up to Charlie, leaning against his red convertible.

            “Hey Zare,” he smiled, and kissed me. I got in the passenger side, and rode with Charlie to school. We pulled into the school parking lot, getting many confused stares from…well, everybody. I mean, think about it. The nerd girl, who’s recently been dressing like a slut, dating the popular star quarterback?

            The confused whispers echoed throughout the student body, gossip being passed around like the plague. Charlie squeezed my hand reassuringly.

            “Don’t let them bother you, Zare,” he whispered. I nodded and smiled slightly. He kissed me goodbye when I walked into my class.

            “Are you and Charlie dating?” a ditzy blonde girl asked.

            “Kind of, yeah,” I say, quietly.

            “Oh, well, congrats?” she said, surprised.

            “Uhm…thanks?” I said as she walked away.

            I was heading to lunch later on, when someone pulled me beside them

            “Hey gorgeous,” Charlie smiled, kissing me.

            “You scared me!” I laugh.

            “Sit with me at lunch, girlfriend?” he asks.

            “Sure, boyfriend,” I laugh.  We walked through the lunch line, getting our food, and then he led me to his table full of football guys.

            “Hey guys, this is Zara,” he says sitting down. I sit beside him.

            “The Zara?” one asks, “The Zara who tamed the player, you’re a legend. Nice to meet you, I’m Mike.” He held his hand out for me to shake. I smiled, and shook his hand.

            “You must be amazing, Charlie here hasn’t ever had a girlfriend sit with us at lunch before,” they laugh.

            “Nor has he ever introduced us to his girlfriend,” they all laugh.

            It felt weird but…I think I could get used to this.

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