Chapter 2

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Standing outside the front gates, staring up at the house, I start to question my decision to go through with this.

We could hear the radio playing in the security room, so john B pulls me to the side and we keep running until we find a fence. 

"You sure about this?" John B asks me. 

I swallow the frog in my throat before creeping forward and replying, "Nope" 

I quickly climb over the gate, and wait for John B to drop down next to me before we make our way over the the side of the building, knowing that there is no way that we are gonna be waltzing through the front door. 

We quickly climb up the side of the house, and onto one of the many balconies. 

"You good?" Johnny whispers from behind me. I don't reply, I just try the first door I see, and sigh a breath of relief when it opens and no alarm goes off. I mean seriously, this guy has CCTV, security guards and gates but doesn't think to lock his doors... 

I go to move into the house, but John B pulls on my wrist to stop me. I give him a questioning look, but he says nothing as he enters the house first. 

We look over the banister, showing the grand chandelier in the middle of the foyer. 

"Holy shit" John B gapes.

"You took the words out of my mouth" I reply quietly. I quickly look around before walking down the stairs cautiously, not wanting to make any sort of sound or indication to where we are. 

We continue to wander through the house aimlessly until we reach a dark room. John B walks in first as a shiver goes up my spine. There's something seriously creepy about this place. 

"Jules" John B whispers as he stops. I'm about to ask him what's wrong when my eyes follow his gaze to see the scratch marks on the floor, which lead up to what looks like a safe. 

"Something heavy must of been in that safe to make those kinda marks" I say hopefully, looking at John B who smiles and his eyes light up with excitement. 

We creep over to safe, where John B goes to open it. He uses all his strength, but even when i try to help, the door won't budge. 

So close. 

"God dammit!" John B shouts, making me instantly cover his mouth with my hand. 

"Are you fucking crazy!" I whisper yell, looking at him wide eyed, "Do you want us to get caught!" 

He visibly calms down a little, so I remove my hand.

"So close" he whispers, "We almost had it" 

"I know" I reply softly as I bring him into a hug. His arms immediately wrap around me, "I know" I repeat. 


"Sarah's gonna be fucking fuming man" I say, as we walk up to the hotel, bracing ourselves for the wrath of Sarah Cameron.

"I know" JOhn B replies

"I mean, more you than me. I didn't promise squat. You on the other hand...." 

"I know" he says harshly, but I know he's not annoyed at me, he's annoyed at the situation. 

Before I can reply, a girl sat by the entrance of the hotel speaks, 

"You're a leg short bro" she says as she twirls her knife. 

John B keeps walking but I stop and look down, "No, I'm pretty sure I still have two" I reply, making her scoff but her amusement shines through her eyes.

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