Chapter 6

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A/N- First off. A mahooosive apologies for how ridiculously late this chapter is!! I took a big break as I had some personal stuff going on, but I'm back and will hopefully be able to continue writing!! I know a lot of you have been waiting for this so I'll shut up and let you enjoy...


The room was silent apart from my heavy breathing and the quiet beeping sound you often hear in hospitals that indicates you're alive. 

I slowly open my eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images around me. I glanced around and took in the rustic looking room. 

How long have I been here? I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. Then it all hits me with a bang. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts. 

The gold, the knife, Sarah, the shooting, rafe, goodbyes. 

"Omg" I hear a voice whisper in disbelief, "Doc! Doc get in here now!" 

The volume of his voice sends a sharp pain through my head, matching the pain across my stomach. 

"Inside voices please" I croak out, "and drugs. Lots of drugs" 

"My god" doc says, looking at me like I've just grown wings, "How are you still alive"

"Stubbornness" I say with a small smile

"How is this possible?" Philip asks, "she was dead"

"I didn't think it would work. I thought she'd lost too much blood" he beams, "guess we got a little fighter on our hands. Never seen someone down this long" 

"But shouldn't we see it on the machine thing?" Philip asked

"Ahh, these things are old and unreliable" Doc says nonchalantly.

"Good to know I'm still kicking" I reply, "I was serious about those drugs though, being sliced open hurts"

Doc laughs and walks off, making me turn to a teary eyed Philip.

"Hey, I'm okay"

"I'm so sorry" he apologises

"It's okay, I'm okay" I say softly, grabbing his hand, before looking round the room confused.

"Where's John B and Sarah? Are they okay?" I ask in confusion, "Omg, please tell me Sarah's okay" I panic

"They're um-" Philip starts, "you see... they ummm-"

"They headed back hon" Doc says as he comes out with a tube of pills, "you were down a long time, no indication of being okay. They thought you were dead, we all did. They had to go" 

"They left?" I ask, a sob threatening to come through before a realisation hits me. 

"Omg. I need to get home" I say quickly as I sit up, ignoring the pain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa little lady. You're not strong enough to do this. You lost a lot of blood" Doc says grabbing my arm 

"No you don't understand" I panic 

"J, calm down" Philip says, a hand coming to my back

"No!" I say loudly, "They think I'm dead. They're gonna go home and tell everyone I'm never coming back. They're gonna tell him that I'm dead. They're gonna tell him. They can't tell him" I continue, my breathing becoming erratic.

"Okay, okay" Doc says, "Obviously, you're stubborn and are gonna leave either way. So at least let me give you some medical advice" 

"I can do that" I say 

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