Last night, was an emotional roller coaster. I was stressing on what to wear, tried to read a book to calm me down, then realized all the mistakes I've made in front of him. Now I think those mistakes are going to haunt me... forever.
I then stared at the sealing, again trying to distract myself. Didn't work. I tried to pick out an outfit and came up with a great dress not dressed up but not lazy, plus I made it match with riffs jacket he gave me.
By then I was getting calmed down, but still wasn't complete, I didn't feel complete. I pondered thinking for a while.
I feel asleep thinking of scenarios to get pass Anita and Bernardo to meet with riff.
My clock went off like a rooster, scared me so bad I fell off my bed due to fright.
It was 8:12am Bernardo was already up reading the paper I could tell because he does the thing we're you straighten out the paper by giving it a wipe lash. Yah I could hear that like a firework.
My door was open so I could see the corner of the kitchen and the table Bernardo was sitting at.
"Morning caylee" said Bernardo
"Ah good she's up" said Anita in a stern voice, she sounded like a mom trying to sound bright but also annoyed with her toddler.I went up to close my door to get privacy but when I did shut it Anita just opened it right back up.
"No don't close your door, because you snuck out last night under our noses we have to keep you in sight at all times, got it" she had that look in your eye, that if you talk back you'd get slapped.
"But where am I to change?"
"Use the bathroom or Maria's room"
"Ugh, you know I'm an adult right ... I HAVE RIGHTS YOU KNOW" I said that as I grabbed my clothes and brought them to the bathroom.Anita just gave off an annoyed chuckle.
"What day is it Bernardo" I said still getting dressed and brushing my teeth.
"It's Sunday Caylee"
So that means to store is closed today, so now I just have to plan an master mind escape.
So my job for today is to be nice to Anita and coat with sugar, don't need to worry about Bernardo or Maria.
Bernardo's going to be gone boxing and Maria with go with whatever I'm doing, she acts like a lost puppy and just follows me for whatever even if it's trouble.
I'm out of the bathroom and putting my nightgown up.
"So what are we doing today" I asked Anita
"Well your brother is gone for boxing and us three are going to be going out for some fun this afternoon. I don't know if you deserve it through."
" don't worry Anita I'm going to be good little girl today" I said as I was on my knees swaying with my dress trying to do puppy dog eyes.
Bernardo laughed and so did Maria. Anita just gave out a small laugh and looked away to try and hide it.
I stood back up and ate my breakfast.
"So caylee you going to have to prove yourself and redeem yourself from punishment." Said Anita
Maria had finally gotten dressed.
"So who is he caylee" Maria whispered to me as she walked over to sit. She then noticed the jacket that I wore last night coming home.
"A human being" I replied.
"Can I met him though?"
"No Maria" we were still whispering.
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FanfictionIt made me at peace. Maybe because the stars and moon remind me of him - - "and it felt good to be a lair" - - head in the clouds, but my gravity centered - - "SHE'S A GOOD GIRL" - - just let me hold you, here.... - - "Caylee WAS a good girl, till y...