Vi X Injured!Reader

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I was making my way back to The Last Drop after running an errand for Vander. With each alleyway I passed, my excitement grew as I was looking forward to winding down the rest of the evening with my friends. But more selfishly, I was really looking forward to the small amount of one on one time I would get to spend with Vi. She would always make time for us to have some one on one time, even if the whole group was joining us. Even if it isn't true alone time, it still means a lot to me to have some personal time spent with her.

As the next alleyway approaches, sounds of yelling ring out into the street followed by a loud thud. It's not uncommon for scuffles and fights to break out around here, whether somebody saw something they shouldn't, marking territory, or even as simple as someone got a little too drunk.

Dread washes over me the closer I get to this alley. Whenever there's a fight so close to The Last Drop, I can't help but worry. Unfortunately, my friends and I always seem to find trouble, or it finds us some days. Mylo, Claggor, and I can take care of ourselves, but occasionally we inevitably always land on our asses. But not Vi, well occasionally Vi, but not like the rest of us. She's got real talent and passion for winning fights, or even if she does get roughed up real bad, you better believe the other guys looks twice as bad.

When I peer into the alleyway that is causing even passerby's to occasionally glance it's way. I notice it looks like there might be five people, it's definitely four against one, but I can't tell what the fifth person looks like. It's too dark. I shift my weight trying to get a better look, the person pulls their hood down revealing... Vi.

"Vi!" I gasp, but it comes out so much louder than that. My body starts to freeze and panic washes over me as my heart quickens. Three of the guys that are surrounding Vi turn around to look at me. Their eyes are dilated, giving them a crazed look, especially with the smiles on their face.

My body reacts on its own and enters the alleyway, my hands instinctively go up ready to defend myself. Meanwhile Vi gets a confident look in her eyes as she readys herself.

"Well, well, well... looks like the brat has a friend whose come to try to save her." One of them says with a twisted grin.

"Look, I really don't have all day. So if you want a fight, let's fight." I say as the three guys come at me and the one who seems to be the leader takes a swing at Vi. Completely missing her as she pulls his arm behind his back and knees him in his ribs causing him to lose his breath.

Once the leader falls gathering his breath, Vi runs over to me taking swings at any of the guys if they get near her. Soon she's right next me, as my arm is pulling back from punching one of them in the jaw. A couple of teeth go flying along with a trail of blood as he falls back.

"Thank you [Y/N], with you here, this fight will be over in no time." Vi says to me, keeping her eyes on the guys the whole time.

"Yeah, well... you owe me this time, Vi." I gave her wink and small smile.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart." She says with a smirk.

Now all four are back to standing and making their way towards us. Two of them definitely are not looking so good, and are showing obvious signs of exhaustion. Vi and I run towards them ready for round two. Vi lands her punch, as she hits the guy in the face causing him to rock back. Back to back, Vi and I are throwing punches at anyone who gets in range for us to do so.

Our of the corner of my eye, someone lands a hit to my jaw knocking me back. A metallic taste fills my mouth as I spit out blood, wiping the corner of my mouth with my arm.

"[Y/N]! Oh, you're going to pay for that, assholes!" Vi screams, and her hits start becoming more potent. With every hit she makes, the guys one by one start falling faster and staying down longer.

I pull myself up, and join back into the fray. My balance is off slightly, and the metallic taste is still lingering. I join back with Vi, and land a couple more hits on some of them. Soon the hits they're landing start to get the best of me, I'm staggering more, pain erupts all over my body, and a numbness just floods over me as I stumble around my foot comes into contact with something, or someone I should say, causing me to lose my balance even more, but instead of collapsing onto the ground I find a wall to temporarily keep my balance. I don't stay standing for long though as the sight of Vi knocking out the last of the four guys and turning my direction is all I see before I slide down the wall, my vision blurs and then blackens.


"Vander, is she gonna be okay?! You have to do something! I'm so stupid! I should never have let this happen."

I hear a voice, it sounds like it could belong to Vi, but maybe my ears are just ringing.

"Calm down. She's going to be okay. Her injuries aren't serious, she just needs some rest, but she will be in some pain when she wakes, so make sure she doesn't do any strenuous activities, okay." Vander gives Vi a wink, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder before walking back to the bar.

"[Y/N]... wake up. Please, wake up."

Vi? Ugh... everything hurts. I feel like I can't think past all this pain. I try to open my eyes, but all I see is a bright white light. I close my eyes and try to open them again. This time it's not as bright, just blurry. As I spend some time trying to adjust my eyes, some pink pops into the visual mess that I'm looking at.

"[Y/N]! Oh, [Y/N]... I'm so happy to see you open those beautiful [e/c] eyes again. I was so worried."

At this point my vision seems to be clear now, and notice Vi kneeling on the floor next to me holding my hand.

"Vi... you still owe me." I tell her. She just gives me a big grin, nodding her head.

"Yes, whatever you want, sweetheart."

"I feel like I got hit by a pile of enforcers." I try to sit up, but slid back in pain.

"Here... let me help you."

Vi helps prop me up against the arm of the couch, fluffing the pillow, and brushes some of my [h/c] hair behind my ear.

"Thank you... tell me, how do the other guys look?"

Vi smirks at this question.

"They look and feel worse than you do, I promise you that. We shouldn't be seeing any more problems from them. [Y/N], I'm glad you're alright. I'm sorry I wasn't better at protecting you. When... when you blacked out, I got so scared. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Vi. I promise."

"[Y/N], I love you and I think I have for a long time, but after everything that happened today. I just need to tell you that. If you don't feel the same, it's alright."

"Vi... of course I feel the same! I love you too."

Vi gets up off the floor, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that, sweetheart." She says before leaning down so close to my face that I can feel her warm breath against me.

"I don't have all day, Vi. If you're going to kiss me, then kiss me already." I tease.

She gives a smirk before closing the gap between us. Suddenly, the door opens, and as we quickly pull away from each other we see Vander at the door with a frown on his face.

"Ahem, what did I say, kid." Vander says looking at Vi before shaking his head, he grabs something and as he turns around to leave we notice a faint smirk as he closes the door.

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