Vi X Stargazer! Reader

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"We're still on for tonight, right Vi?"

I leaned against the bar at The Last Drop, near where Vi was working. She was pouring a couple of drinks while we discussed plans we had made previously.

"Yeah, [Y/N]. You've asked me like ten times already and we just made the plans this morning. What's so special about the stars tonight?"

She let out a laugh as she passed me a drink, and walked away to bring the other drinks to a table. By now I was sitting at the bar taking sips of the drink she made me as I flipped through pages of this book I found, looking for the pages that had peeked my interest earlier today. Once I found it, I showed Vi the passage with placing the book a little too close to her face as she peered down at at me adjusting my arm to where she could more comfortably see.

"So, what am I looking at here, [Y/N]?" She asks, her eye brows raising. A giggle escapes my lips as I retract the book back to explain to her what the passage says about the constellation and using that information to explain the visual that someone mapped out. Vi gives me a smile and listens closely to what I'm telling her, even if she doesn't fully understand what it is I'm saying.

"So, the stars can make pictures? Kind of like when we all used to look up at the clouds and name things that they looked like."

"Exactly! But some constellations can only be found during certain seasons, or at specific locations."

"Okay, that's pretty cool."

Night has fallen now, and Vi and I get ready to head to the tallest building in the Undercity so we can see the sky more clearly. It was a perfect night for star gazing, and not a cloud is in sight. It's warm out, with a nice breeze to keep things cool.

I grab a metal pole to help me find the constellation I'm looking for, while Vi looks around at everything that's happening in the city below.

"Aha! Found it! Vi, look here!"

I point out the stars to her without using the pipe. She smiles as she points her hand out similarly to mine and begins to trace the stars as I did.

"That's the Ursa Major. Isn't it beautiful?"

My attention is on the sky above us, so vast and full of wonder. So much potential lies up there, so much to be discovered. What I wouldn't give to better understand it all. Vi's voice pulls me back.

"Yeah, it is beautiful, [Y/N]."

When I look over at her, she's looking back at me. I was expecting her to be looking up at the stars. Maybe we looked over at each other at the same time. Caught up in my thoughts, I don't even notice how much closer she's gotten to me until she's just mere inches from my face. Heat starts to rush throughout my entire body and rises to my face as I shift my weight slightly.

"Y'know [Y/N], these stars are nothing compared to the ones I've seen in your eyes."

Vi smirks, but pulls away, looking back to the sky with a satisfied look on her face. She lies back and starts to point to different stars asking me questions about each one that peeks her interest. Before long, I'm right there next to her lying down. As Vi begins to ask me another question regarding the constellations, I feel something warm hold onto my hand. Looking down, it's Vi's hand. When I look over at her she just gives me a smirk, which causes me to smile back and hold her hand within my own.

Just within these few minutes of being out here the wind picks and clouds quickly start to roll in. Before I know it the stars are no longer in sight and thunder starts to rumble in the distance.

"And just when it was about to get to the good part." Vi mumbles with a chuckle.

"Everything okay?"

Rain begins to fall from above.

"Yeah, I was just enjoying myself, [Y/N]. Thank you for sharing this with me."

"Of course!"

Heat once again floods through my body as I start to notice how Vi looks standing in the rain. Her pink hair flattens as the rain runs through it, and her clothes cling to her form. I avoid eye contact and take a step back as my face feels hotter with each thought that comes to mind.


I look up at her, but notice that she's just mere inches from me which causes me to stumble back colliding with a wall. She leans herself against the wall with her hand that is next to my face, leaning in real close to my face. Vi smirks.

"Something on your mind, [Y/N]? Or someone, maybe I should say."

Before I can even say anything, Vi starts talking again.

"Sunshine, I don't think I can stay quiet and keep dropping hints much more longer. The way you are looking right now is pretty irresistible."


I start to respond her, as she uses her free hand to caress my cheek before sliding it under my chin tilting it upwards as she closes the gap with her lips. A gasp escapes me, but soon I relax into her touch and start to kiss back. My hands react on their own as they pull her in me and rest around her neck. Causing her to smile into the kiss.

Soon, we pull away from one another.

"Maybe we should go back in before we catch a cold or something." I tell Vi.

"Just a few more minutes. I'm enjoying kissing you in the rain."



"Here. Drink this."

"Thank you."


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