Vi X Reader

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The dark room lit up with the light from the lightning. But that wasn't what woke me up, instead  a small hand shaking against my shoulder, at first in a pushing manner like they were trying to wake me up but then started shaking as if scared. When I attempted to open my eyes all I could see was black, until another bolt of lightning lit up my room revealing a familiar small blue haired female in front of me.



The room lit up again and Powder invited herself onto my bed, holding onto me. Even in the short amount of time that Powder was with me, the room seemed to light up every few seconds and every time Powder would tremble, let out a scream, or just cling harder onto me.

"[Y/N] I'm scared. I'm scared, [Y/N]" She stifled her cries. I sat up in my bed, and let her cuddle into me, brushing my hand through her hair.

"Why are you not with Vi?" I asked, letting out a small yawn as I rubbed her back trying to offer some comfort to her. I've known Powder and her sister for a while now, and have developed a deep connect with the two.

"I... I couldn't wake her." Powder was beginning to calm down, even though she shed a tear here and there.


We heard disheveled steps, sounding louder as if they were heading right for my room. Another crack of thunder echoed throughout the place and lit the darkened room. Powder let out yelp and clung onto me burrowing her head into my shoulder, as I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her. The door to my room slammed open and Vi appeared. Her pink hair was all over the place and she didn't look like she was completely awake, but her grey-blue eyes were panicked until they rested upon Powder. Her face softened at the sight of her sister.

"Oh, Powder. There you are. I got worried when I didn't see you in your bed." Vi breathed a sigh of relief, entering my room. As she started to enter, another rumble cracked not only lighting up the room again, but this time shaking the building with it. Powder and I clung onto one another until Vi reached us.

Vi, same as her sister, invited herself onto my bed, placing herself behind us as she offered a comforting 'Shhh...' as she moved. Once she got situated she held onto Powder and I, both, looking down at us with a soft smile. She squeezed our arms gently, and pulled us closer into her as she continued to softly 'shhh...'.

"I couldn't wake you, Vi. So I came to [Y/N] instead." Powder explained to Vi nuzzling into her sister's arm. Vi rested her head on Powder's offering a soft kiss to her temple.

"I know, Pow Pow, I know."

Another rumble passed, causing Powder and I both to tighten our grip on Vi. She chuckled softly, tightening her own grip on us and pulling us into her.

"Shh... you're both safe now. I won't let either of you go. Nothing will happen to you so long as I'm here."

Her soft words seemed to have comforted Powder because as the rain, thunder, and lightning picked up Powder seemed to have drifted off asleep. Limply laying against Vi. It was sweet moment, one I couldn't help but smile at until the place shook again and caused me to cling onto Vi. When I did this, her grip around me tightened slightly and she looked down at me offering a sweet, reassuring smile.

"Thanks beautiful, for taking care of Powder. It means a lot to me that Powder has another person she can rely on."

Heat began to rise into my cheeks, causing a pinkish hue to dust over my face, and my heart beat started to quicken, I'm sure Vi could feel it too considering how close we are. 

"No thanks needed, Vi. At this point, Powder is like a younger sister to me. There's so much we've already been through. Powder has both of us now."

"'Us'? I like the sound of that, beautiful." Vi smiled and looked away, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I... I uh-..." I started, the panic setting in after realizing what I had just said. As I began tense up and pull away slightly from Vi's grip, she tightened it.

"You've always tried to be there for her, [Y/N], just like you've always tried to be there for me."

Vi looks into my eyes, before brushing some of my [h/c] hair behind my ear. Her calloused hand tickles my face as she moves her hand away. Causing my body to shiver on it's own. She gives a small smirk at this.

"Y'know beautiful, you're kind of giving me the impression that you like my touch."

I scoff, even though it's true, and I want more than anything to tell her how much I do love her touch, I can't seem to form the words. However, she just smirks again and slides her hand through my hair until it rests just above the nap of my neck. Our bodies seem to react on their own just from this action, causing us to slowly move closer towards each other. The closer our bodies move together, my hand practically moves on it's own sliding through her short pink hair. At the touch of my hand, her head moves into it, resting comfortably into my hand as I thumb at her shorter hair. She gives me a small soft smile before she goes to say something.

"[Y/N], I love you."

Another bolt lights up the room as Vi uses this moment to close the gap between us. 

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