Sick! Vi X Reader

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Quick Author's Note: This story mention events that has happened in "Vi X Stargazer! Reader" you don't need to read to be able to follow along in this story.


"Hey [Y/N], is it just me or is it a little cold in here?"

Vi plops down onto the couch, her legs spread wide as she leans back. She rests her head on the back of the couch as she drapes an arm over her eyes. I walk over to her and place my wrist to her cheeks, a bit warm. She hums at my touch and removes her arm, avoiding eye contact with me as I move my wrist to her forehead.

"Vi! You're hot!"

I quickly remove my hand, surprised by how warm she actually felt. She readjusts her position. Her head now resting on her hand, looking up at me from the back of the couch.

"Thanks. So are you, Sunshine."

I shoot her a blank look before rolling my eyes as she lets out a chuckle.

"Back to bed with you."

"But, I'm fine. I'm just a little cold is all."

As Vi says this she starts to shiver, her cheeks start to turn pink, and she lets out a sneeze. I can just tell that my face says 'you sure about that?', because she defeatedly gets up and heads back to bed.

"I'll be there in just a minute to check up on you!"


"She's fine she says."

I let out a small laugh at my own comment, while I head to get her a glass of water and see what sort of ingredients we have to make a soup. When I head back to her bed, she's not in her bed, but rather working out next to it.

"Vi, what are you doing? Get in this bed, you need to rest."

"But Sunsh-"

"No 'but sunshine'. You need to rest."

At this point, Vi does little to protest and sits up in her bed drinking down the water I brought for her. I check her temperature again using my wrist, checking her forehead, cheeks, and even the back of her neck. She definitely feels way more warm than normal and since she keeps telling me she's cold, she has to be running a fever.


"I told you we shouldn't have stayed out in the rain so long. Now you're sick." I give her a smile as I take back the now empty glass.

"It was worth it." She says, wiping her nose.

"I'm going to go make a soup for you, holler if you need anything."

"Do you need any help?"

"No Vi, I appreciate it, but you need to rest."

Vi opens her mouth to say something again, but I cast a glare her way which causes her to stop. I give her a smile before exiting the room and go to gather up the ingredients I'll be using to make this soup.

As I'm chopping up various vegetables and checking my boiling water to see how the broth is coming along, I feel a pair of strong arms snake around my waist. Looking over my shoulder, Vi is standing there giving me a sheepish grin as she plants a kiss to my forehead.

"Vi! You. Need. To. Rest!"

She pulls away from me and gets herself another glass of water.

"I know, but I got thirsty."

"You are the only person I know who has a hard time staying in bed. The soup should be done in just a few minutes. I'll bring you back some as soon as it's ready."

"Thanks, Sunshine!"

Vi exits the kitchen and after a few seconds a door closes, telling me that she made it to the bedroom. Stirring the broth, I start to add the various vegetables that have already been chopped up.

About half an hour later, it occurs to me that I haven't been interrupted and there hasn't been much noise throughout the place. I decide to check up on Vi and tiptoe to the room, when I peer in there I see that she's passed out on the bed. Walking in there, getting closer to her I notice that she sounds congested and is snoring softly. Her bright pink hair is sprawled out by her head, with strands stuck to her sweat covered forehead, as she lays on top of one of her arms with the other close by. Her lips that were so soft just the day before now dry and cracking.

Leaning over, I place a kiss on Vi's temple and brush her hair back from her face with my fingers. With each stroke, she shivers. She begins to stir at my touch and wraps her arms around my hips making soft moans and hums in her sleep. This catches me off guard and I immediately start to fall forward, but am able to catch myself before I land on her. However I'm now just hovering over her with my arms on the other side of her and hers around my hips still. She squeezes. Although it's not a tight squeeze it does cause me to gasp some and her eyes begin to flutter open.

She smiles. I can't tell if she's blushing or if her temperature just went up.

"Hey Sunshine, what are you doing here?"

She asks this, and pulls me into a hug. The heat radiating off her almost brings me to a sweat in the places that's in direct contact with her skin. I kiss her cheek and start to pull away, but her grip around my waist tightens.

"Just cuddle with me a little longer?"

Her voice softened considerably as she made her plea. I debated about saying something to her, but stopped myself and tightened my grip around her and nuzzled my face into her neck. She lets out soft hums with each nudge I do.

After some time has passed, I give her a couple of pats and push myself off of her.

"Do you think you can eat? The soup should be ready now."

When I tell her this, a soft rumbling noise starts to happen as Vi sheepishly grabs her stomach.

"Yeah, I think I can eat a little bit."

"I'm glad you have a bit of an appetite. I'll go get you some and please stay in bed this time. I'll be right back, Vi."

Coming back from grabbing a bowl of soup for Vi, I notice as I enter the room again that Vi has already drifted back to sleep again. Sweat is building at her forehead causing baby hairs and loose strands to stick there. Her lips look like there about to bleed now from how chapped they are, and she keeps shivering even though her body is radiating heat.

As I stepped closer to her, I notice that she's actually mumbling something under her breath. I lean down closer to listen to what it is she's saying.

"[Y/N]! [Y/N], come back... please. Please, come back, [Y/N]. I love you. Don't leave me."

Oh, fever dreams...

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