1. Til Death Do We Part

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Old photo albums laid scattered across the table. They were of a wedding, a beautiful end-of-summer white wedding. Smiling faces were everywhere and it literally looked like the happy couple was glowing.

Jennie had a mug of coffee in her hand as she looked at the memories. Her eyes were red from lack of sleep and her hair was a mess. She skimmed the pages with one hand and sipped the burning hot liquid with the other, hissing when it scalded her tongue. She looked down at the reception photos where she and Chaeyoung were dancing together, completely oblivious to the outside world. Her eyes began to water again. The door opened and a slender figure entered the apartment. She quietly set the keys down. For a moment, Jennie looked up with hopeful eyes but that hope was quickly crushed.

"You're just like I left you." Jisoo commented.

"I couldn't sleep." Jennie sighed, closing the book and setting down her mug of coffee. With both hands, she ran her fingers through her thick hair, trying to smooth it out a little. When it didn't work, she simply sighed and slouched forward.

"Have you been taking those pills like the doctor told you?" Jisoo went over to the fridge and opened it up, getting orange juice and pouring it into a glass. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jennie, handing her the glass. Her eyes scanned the table of photo albums.

"They give me dreams." Jennie replied. "I can't... I can't sleep like that. I can't sleep without seeing her face underwater." Jisoo put an arm around her. Jennie closed her eyes.

"You've got to sleep, Jennie. There's nothing you can do." Jennie put the untouched orange juice down right next to her coffee and her chest heaved with a cough. "Jen, are you getting sick?"

"No, I'm fine." Jennie replied, taking up the juice and taking a large gulp as if the vitamin C would ward off any cold she might be catching.

"Jen... it's been..."

"33 days, Jisoo." Jennie cut her off. "I've been waiting 33 days. I can't do this anymore." She sighed. "I miss her."

"I know, babe." Jisoo said, pulling her close.

Chaeyoung had disappeared a little over a month ago. She and Jennie had a fight that night. They hadn't fought like that since they first met each other at age 7. Now, 22 years later, Jennie was practically screaming at Chaeyoung. Jennie accused her of flirting with her fellow dance instructor at the studio. Chaeyoung admitted that there was some sexual tension between them but it was only one sided. She swore up and down that she would never, ever love anyone else but Jennie hated the looks that Jaehyun gave her, or the way his touch lingered when they danced together. She knew he hated her, she could see that every time Chaeyoung ran over to give Jennie a hug. He would always be glaring at the brunette and it wasn't hard to see his jealousy.

But Chaeyoung didn't see it and that's why Jennie blew up at her. Chaeyoung didn't understand that sometimes what she did could be misconstrued as flirting. She didn't mean it, but it didn't make things any better for Jennie. So when Jennie and Chaeyoung got into a fight because Jennie wanted Chaeyoung to report him for inappropriate behavior, Chaeyoung wasn't going to stand for it.

"I'm going to Nayeon's." She said. Jennie took a look outside at the howling wind.

"It's fucking dangerous out there!" She yelled.

"It's dangerous in here too." Chaeyoung said coldly and walked out the door. Jennie waited for her. She didn't sleep that night. She thought about calling Nayeon but the storm had managed to knock out any and all service, either cellphone or land line. In the morning, she called Nayeon to see if Chaeyoung was ready to come home.

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