6. The Distance that Separates Us

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When Chaeyoung got home that night, she expected to find Jennie passed out on the couch. She actually would've preferred it. The way Jennie yelled at her shook her to the core and she wasn't sure if she was prepared for something like that again. But Jennie was sitting on the sofa wide awake and Chaeyoung set her bag down.

"Hey." She said tentatively. She wasn't sure if she could just rush into the bedroom and lock herself in there until it all blew over. Jennie stood up and walked up to her and Chaeyoung tensed a little, readying herself.

"I'm sorry." Jennie said, taking Chaeyoung by surprise. The blonde relaxed. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I didn't know that you had started working again but I still shouldn't have lost my temper." Jennie looked at the ground when she said all of that. She was too embarrassed to meet Chaeyoung's eyes but Chaeyoung felt a wave of relief wash over her. It didn't take the sting out completely but it certainly soothed it a little.

"It's ok." Chaeyoung said.

"But it's not, is it?" Jennie asked. Chaeyoung gave a weak smile.

"It's hard for both of us." She replied and Jennie nodded in agreement.

"How was work?" She asked. Chaeyoung shrugged. Jennie remembered a time when Chaeyoung would come in, flop down onto Jennie's lap and chatter endlessly about her day. Sometimes Jennie listened, sometimes she zoned out but it didn't matter and more importantly, she never had to grasp for conversation topics. If she didn't talk, Chaeyoung would be more than happy to fill the silence. Now the two of them stood awkwardly in the living room while

Jennie tried to make small talk so that the deafening silence would go away.

"I'm mostly relearning everything but Jaehyun said that I pick things back up pretty quickly. I need to do a lot of stretching though." At the mere mention of Jaehyun's name, Jennie winced though Chaeyoung had blinked just in time to miss the split second that it happened. After a period of strained silence, Jennie tried again.

"So... things are good? The kids?"

"Yeah, I haven't had the heart to tell them that I don't remember them. I've mostly been picking up their names either through conversation or through Jaehyun."

Stop saying his name. Jennie pleaded in her head.

"Sounds like you're having fun." Jennie said unenthusiastically.

"How was your day?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nothing exciting."

Tell me something about you. Chaeyoung thought. Anything at all. Tell me... tell me what things line your desk.

"I want to know." Chaeyoung said.

"I mean... we just signed a deal another multimillion dollar deal so that's something to celebrate. I almost botched it though..." Jennie stopped short. Any more and she would've added "because I was taking care of you." to the end of it. Chaeyoung however, saw the hesitation and guessed what she was about to say. Chaeyoung nodded and smiled, letting a sad chuckle slip from her throat.

"Well, I'm going to bed. It's been a long day." She turned and headed towards the door. Just as she did, Jennie reached for her and missed grabbing her hand by a hair. Chaeyoung didn't notice the gesture that screamed "don't leave me." Jennie was rooted to the spot, the image of Chaeyoung and Jaehyun still fresh in her mind.

The week rolled by and the two barely saw one another. Jennie still worked overtime to help cover the medical bills and Chaeyoung stayed late to practice. When Jennie showed up at work the Monday after, she found Jisoo sitting there on her desk, her arms folded impatiently.

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