16. To That Bright Future

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Jennie was amused. Jisoo was pacing back and forth in her room, waiting for when someone would come in and lead her towards her future. Her nervousness showed plainly on her face as she sat down, stood up immediately and repeated the same action several times within the course of 5 minutes. Jennie leaned back, her turquoise satin dress shimmering in the chandelier's light.

"You know, grip that bouquet any harder and it's going to die before you get a chance to throw it." Jennie remarked.

"Shut up, Kim." Jisoo snapped but she loosened her grip on the flowers. Jennie cocked an eyebrow. She distinctly remembered a similar, though reversed situation.

"You know, a certain someone was making fun of me for being terrified on my wedding day a couple of years ago." Jennie remarked. Jisoo shot her the dirtiest glare she'd ever given anyone and Jennie merely smirked triumphantly. It felt so good getting Jisoo back, not that she'd had any doubt that Jisoo was going to be just as nervous as she was when she married Chaeyoung. She knew Jisoo's personality. She knew the thought of being committed was terrifying. To be honest, she didn't blame the woman. After what Jinyoung did to her, after Suho's crazy proposal in the middle of high school, not to mention all the sleezebags she dated in college, it wasn't hard to imagine that she had commitment issues.

Jisoo heaved a sigh and sat back down again. Jennie walked over and put an arm around her comfortingly. She squeezed her shoulders and smiled.

"Hey, it's going to be ok." She reassured.

"I know. I'm just trying to block out the thought that he'll run away with some crazy tattooed woman like my father did." Jisoo replied.

"He won't. If he does, I'll be sure to do the job right and castrate him good and proper, ok?" Jennie said. Jisoo offered a faint smile.

"So how are you and Chaeyoung?" She asked. Jennie let out a small breath.

"We're good. Not great, but we're getting there."

"I haven't seen you two in a while, what with all the planning for this wedding." Jisoo said with an apologetic tone. Jennie grinned.

"Don't worry about it, Kim, oops, excuse me, soon to be Jung." Jennie teased. At hearing her new last name, Jisoo blanched and leaned back. Jennie rushed to comfort her. "Hey, you can come over to our place any time you need a break, ok? Just let us know so that you're not walking in on us when we're doing it on the counter." Jisoo burst into laughter and then restrained herself. She turned a bright red.

"Oh my God, Jennie, that happened once! How was I supposed to know that you two were going to go at it so quickly?" Jennie's eyes softened at the memory.

It had been months since that night. After the confrontation at the dance studio, Chaeyoung had opened the door and Jennie couldn't restrain herself any more. She grabbed Chaeyoung on either side of her face and kissed her. Chaeyoung seized her hands and kissed her back, pulling each other so close as if trying to make up for all the time that they had been apart.

"I love you." Jennie said over and over, kissing her after each one.

"I love you too." Chaeyoung said. Both of them were giggling, nervous and in tears of relief. The storm raged on overhead and Chaeyoung got just as wet as Jennie in a matter of seconds. But neither one of them cared. They kept kissing each other and whispering, "It's going to be ok" and "I know."

They made their way back to the apartment, holding hands the entire way there. Jennie couldn't remember anything feeling so good, with Chaeyoung's fingers intertwined with hers. When they got back to the apartment, they stood in the kitchen for a very long time even though their clothes were dripping onto the floor. Jennie was the one who broke the silence.

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