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Warning (smut. And yaoi hard) rwad at u own risk 😼🤙🏼


A normal life in the 7BBB house........... Not really normal ....

Yuli:*start throwing punches in the door* Hello anyone uuuuup?

Yuli:hmmmmmmmmm i will just throw the door( -᷅_-᷄)

Yuli throw the door making all the elemental people wake up in a  rush running down stairs

Thunderstorm: who the fuck is in my house?!*point at yuli with his sword*

Quake: Your house?*hits thunder head?

cyclone: *yawn* who is in the house.at.this time

Cyclone rubs his bark-blue eyes making everyone quiestion them selves

Yuli: hey guys im just.here.to visit * sits in the sofa*

Blaze: Bitch who the fuck will be making a visit in 2:08 am in the fucking mornin!!!!!!!

Ice: yes.... Its too earlyy! *look at yuli with a mad face*

yuli: what did i interrupt something between you twooooooo~ * see blaze neck and see a hickey (thats how to write it ಠ_ಠ)*

solar:ok..... Since.is yuli.whos at home i will take my flower and back to bed.* takes thorn in a princess style back their room*

Cyclone: well bye too im going to sleep* yawns* lets go thundy.

Thunder:coming * thunder follow cyclone back to their room*

Quake: Sooooooo. What are u doing here at this time?*quake look at.yuli with a confused*

Yuli: welll my friends are.sleeping and i cant annoy them since their sleep* looks at ice and blaze who still in the living room*

Yuli: Arent u guys going to sleep?

Blaze:y-yh let go ice * goes back to their room*

Ice: im going* follow blaze to their room *

Yuli: just dont break the beeeeeed~*says with a annoying tone*

Quake hit yuli head with a pan and goes back to bed and close the bedroom door.

yuli: *robs her head in pain * oh welll alone again, well better start repairing the door.

Yuli get off the sofa and start repairing the door after repairing the door yuli hear sound coming from the second floor wondering what was going on yuli went up putting her ear in each door.

First was thunclone room but there was silent nothing new happening there yuli check the other room.

Second was solthorn yuli saw a light but she remenber what that light was it was a nigt stand ligh for solar that thorn give him so sweet of thorn * he might not be innocent but hes really kind hearted person so sweet ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ* yuli through Yuli checkthe other room.

The third room was icelaze nothing happening hmmm wierd but ok but the sound didnt go away the last room check was quake but how the coming from his room if fang not here wait a dammmn minute yuli without thinking twice went to put her ear at quake room and yes.

the sound come out of quake room but how oh well.

Suddenly yuli listen some voices.

Quake: ah~ we should stop this fang*said with a heavy tone*

Fang: why~*keep on bitting quake necks untill he found hes sweet spot*.

Quake: ah~! F-fang stop Its hurt ah~ mhm~.

Fang: no~ u tasted way too good now.

Fang wont stop on biting quakes neck he cant helped but keep on biting quake neck, quake could only moan but each moans become louder, fang grad quakes hips and pin him in the bed he could see quake tearing eyes looking at quake like that was driving Fang crazy , fang wanted to see more, fang start to kiss quake with a soft kiss, quake was weak with the kiss he was melting with it the only thing he could do was to kiss back.

Fang now kissing quake with a french kiss, fang tongue is exploring quake mouth, quake so melted with it he didt know what was happening each minute they keep on kissing the room  fill with quake moans.

fang takes off quake shirt leaving his upper body to be seen, fang start on sucking quake nipple and plays woth the other one.

Quake: fang~ ah~ its mhm~ hurts.pls~

Fang: hm? sorry i cant help my self now.

Fang take off his clothes  letting quake see his body, quake was fluttered, now quake is desiring fang , quake want to fang to him  his .

Quake:F-ang, ma-ke me yours~

Fang: i will my love.

Fang kiss quake again but this time the kiss is more deep and seductive, fang take off quake pants leaving him completly naked fang is licking quake body, fang got to quake member(🤙🏼)  fang start to suck it.

Quake: ah~ fang~.

The room is filling with sweet moanings of quake, fang keep sucking quake member.

Quake: i thi-nk i-i-i coming, ngh~.

Quake cum in fang mouth, fang swolled it all, they start kissing each other. Fang grads quake legs and lift them up, fang push one finger and slowly push the second one until making it three.

Quake: Ahhh~! Mo ah~ re fang pls mhm~ fuck ah~ me already~.

Fang smirked at listening to him saying that, fang did what he lover asked, fang grad his big d!xķ and start.thrusting quake.

Quake face is a mess, his eyes tearing, being a maoning mess, he Couldnt stop he feeling good, feeling how fang is thrusting, quake is enjoying it, each thrust become deeper and fast.

Quake: ahhh~! Nhg~ nhg~ ah~ y-yes~ mhmm~ .

Quake: f-fang im-co-ming-ngh~

Fang:ohh dar-ling i still not coming~.

Fang put his finger in quake member top , to make him not cum, quake let out a loud moan. Quake now is on top of fang riding him, fang put his and on quake hips. Quake is jumping on top of fang.

Fang: im- co-ming now

Fang Cum inside quake, quake cum in  fang ads(🤙🏼) Quake fall on next.to fang, quake fall sleep. Fang clean both of them And fall.

Le next day

Everyone was in the kitchen eating their breakfast

Thorn: what wrong with u girl u seen like u didnt sleep in years *giggle*

Yuli: ha-ha very funny well im going home now, hope quake Can walk today. *poof shes gone*

TTM: uhhhhhh-.what just happened here?

TC: Dont know, Dont care.

TTM:*sweatdrop* oh- ok then

*when back to mind their own business*


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Yuli: oi its.my line.

TTM:dont care~~~!!!

Yuli:get back hereee


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