Noche de pasion

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This is a one-shot

Third pov

* beep beep*

* a alarm clock were ringing none stopping, Blaze opens he's eyes feeling to heavy to open them, Blaze wanted to still in his warm and cozy bed, he then check the time 7:20 am, with one jump Blaze were out of his bed.*

- Dammmmn it , I will be late again, I gotta hurry- *Blaze said with a frustrated and lazy tone" gat to hurry" is the only thing he was thinking.*

* Blaze quickly got in the shower to take to quick bath, brush his teeth, and make his hair, after getting ready, Blaze quickly went down stairs to grab a toast and a bottle water, Blaze without thinking twice make his way to his jod "run, Blaze run, or you will get fired" was Blaze thinking on the way, Blaze was for sure that this time he was going to get in trouble for overslept but not just it was the third time oversleeping on work days.*

-fanally, I made- Blaze thought, Blaze checked side by side looking for his manager,Blaze let out a loud, small sigh, loud enough for Blaze manager could hear.*

- Your late again, Blaze-*Blaze could feel a dark aura coming from he's back, Blaze turn around to see Ice standing at the back.*

Ice pov:

* " the cafe sure is full today" I thought to myself, I check the time "7:20 am, someone will be late again, and he knows well that his turn today start at 6:00 am" I cross my harm, I took a sit in the Cafe waiting for a little guy to get here.*

* I'm starting to get frustrated, I could hear how a door was opening, and there's he is, checking if I'm here, I stood up and walked towards Blaze, I stood back of him and i hear a small but loud enough sigh, after letting him take his breath, I say*- Your late again, Blaze-* I gave him forced smile*- follow me-* I said with a cold tone, I'm getting tired of him coming late to work*- y-yes-* it was the only response he gave and started walking.*

* I open my office door, I gave him the chance to enter first, I walk in and closed the door*-- You know why you here today, right?--* I said while standing from his back, I put my hand on his shoulder and got near he's ear*-- what time does your turn was starting today?--* I said with heavy tone, I could see a light rose blush formed on he's cheek, he was bitting he's under lip.*

Third pov

* Ice stood up as quickly as he could and walked back to he's sit, Ice took place and sit down*-- Do me a favor, and come to work at time, you can leave--* Ice said with a confused tone, Ice could see how Blaze was leaving the room, " damn it, almost make a mistake, control yourself, Ice" Ice though to himself, cover his mouth with his hand, " Why was I being tempted to kiss him" Blaze lips was getting on Ice mind, today for sure it's going to be  a long day.*

Blaze Pov

* My head went black, well almost*-- Follow me--*I hear Ice said with a cold tone, I'm sure he's tired of me coming late to work*--Y-yes--* was the only word that come out of my mouth and started following him, all the way to his office was quiet, and a really uncomfortable one.*

* Ice opened the door and make himself side to let me enter first, I walk in, I could feel how Ice was staring from my back, " well, I'm fuck up" I was lost in my though, I quickly come back from my mind, when I feel Ice hand on my shoulder and he voice near my ear and hear*--what time does your turn was starting today?-- Ice said with a heavy tone, I gave a slight blush and bite my under lip.*

* When I was going to give answer, Ice quickly stood up and walked to he's sit and sitted down, I hear Ice said*-- Do me a favor, and come to work at time, you can leave--*I hear Ice and walked my way out, I quickly went to the changing room and in there I found my friend Thorn was there's changing.*

-- Well, I guess I'm not only the one late--* I said with a annoying tonem*--shhhhhh, I don't want to get caught-- Thorn said with a smile*-- but where were u I didn't see u working?--* Thorn asked me*-- Well......--* I stopped myself, I couldn't tell him what really happened even though is not a big deal but for me it is, I been having a crush on Ice since high school, and after hearing that his father's cafe passed to him, I couldn't help myself but getting a jod here*--aren't you supposed to be working at your boyfriend salon, today?--* I said trying to change the topic, while getting readyto start my turn.*

-- well... he closed today, he said he got a meeting today.--* I hear Thorn said with a worried tone*--Dont worry, everything will be fine-- I said giving back he smile.*

Third pov

After getting ready their both start walking each position today Blaze was the kitchen and Thorn was the registration,-- Morning today, Ice-- Thorn said with a big smile-- Morning to you too, Thorn have u seen Blaze?-- Ice said while looking for Blaze with he's eyes.*

-- He's in the kitchen today--Thorn said while potting at the back kitchen.*--Thank you, I will take my leave, thank you again-- Ice took a step and walked towards the back kitchen.

Thorns mind:-- I wonder was happening between those two?-- Thorn ignored he thought and went back to work.

Ice walks directly to the back kitchen and carefully opens the door seen Blaze calmy doing the dishes, -- fuck this-- is the only thought that comes first, Ice slowly walks towards Blaze-- why is he so fucking tempting-- Ice was having internal fight, with hugging him or not.

Blaze could feel like somebody was behind him, Blaze carefully grad a cup of dirty water, has fast as he could he turn around and throw the dirty water, and for he's surprise it was Ice behind him a inch apart they lips-- a-ah..I'm sorry! Ice let me dry yo-- Blaze couldn't finish he's sentence, he was stopped by a pair of soft.

Blaze was stunned out, hes mind can't even think clearly, the only thing that's he's mind had on was " what's happening" Blaze was bring back when Ice tongue was trying to make chance in Blaze mouth, Blaze was  not really sure to let him or not, but the kiss is being so tempting, Blaze slowly opens he's mouth.

Ice took the chance and place he's tongue inside Blaze mouth, They having a tongue fight to see whos taking the lead, in this fight
Ice wins, Ice is exploring Blaze mouth while with he's hand he slowly putting it inside Blaze shirt, quietly moans comes out of Blaze mouth.

* meanwhile in the registration *

Thorns mind: They taking to long now, I wonder...... what are they doing--Thorn without thinking twice went directly to the back kitchen, Thorn gives a little peak, cause the sound the comes out the kitchen are really not normal.

Thorn make himself to the side, he really wasn't expecting this," I might has well do something"- Thorn though, but what he could do, the cafe was about to get more costumers, " think Thorn, think" Thorn thought to himself, he could hear some steps coming from the back kitchen, Thorn quickly took a step and went back to registration and acted has he as seen nothing.

-- oh! Your back, did anything happen?OwO-- good thing that Thorn know how to act innocent-- I-umm... Is just that Blaze will stay until closing for coming late again-- Ice said a serious tone.

-- I thought, Cyclone was going to close today?--Thorn ask wondering if cyclone would made at time-- Is that... he just called me he won't be coming today--Ice said while crossing he's arms.

--Oh, I see..., oh yh! He told me, to tell you, that he was going to be outFor a week, I forgot...-- Thorn said while rubbing he's neck-- atleast he called me-- Ice said with a cold tone and taking he's step back to he's office.

Thorn took the chance and quickly went to the back kitchen, opening the at once-- I saw it all!-- Thorn said with tell me everything face.

--ah!, what the-.... what is wrong with you-- Blaze turn around to see Thorn face, and he knew has a lot to tell-- w- well... y-you see..


Always leaving in the best part.... I think..... anyways pls let me know how was the one-shot, I might make a part 2 to but not sure

I won't make promises <3

And sorry that this is really short I try my best on making this has long has I do could xd

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