Noche de pasion II

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This is a one-shot
Smut, under age don't read (even tho I don't know how to write smut).


Blaze Pov

--a-ah-...You see- I'm screwed, I though to myself, I could feel my face burning, I don't got the words to explain, I took a deep breath and try to find the correct words.

-- So... mind~ telling me-- Thorn said with a "I'm waiting tone", he crossed he's arm and stamping he's feet.-- soooo... I'm waiting--Thorn said, he's starting to get frustrated.

--Well..., I'm not sure how to start.-- I was feeling so confused and happy at the same time, I touched my lips with my right hand-- I- I think I need tell help-- I said, I keep thinking about this kiss I didn't realize I was smiling.

--Ohh~ somebody is smiling~, was  it that good~?-- Thorn keep on teasing me, this is getting annoying I though.-- aren't  you suppose to be at the registrator right--? I said trying to change the topic .

Third pov

Thorn with out thinking twice went running to he's spot, Blaze give a winning smile and start to finish this dishes.

* time skip, bought to you by Blaze being a bottom*

Still third pov

-- Well..... you got to tell me later-- Thorn said, took step and leave-- take care of the final cleaning~-- Thorn said with a teasing tone and started running off towards the exit.

--very funny--Blaze thought, Blaze took a look around the cafe and give a tired sigh, -- " it's now or never"--. First starting with the kitchen, second the tables and chairs, and lastly the restrooms.

( suspicious, why the bathroom 7u7) 

Blaze was already mopping the floor, He took look at the mirror and directly looked at his lips, with he's hand, he slightly touch he lips,--"wish I could kiss him again"-- Blaze thought, He snapped out of he's mind, he could here a door open-- did I forgot to close the main door-- Blaze quickly, hide inside of one of the bathroom.

Ice pov

I was driving back to the café, I stopped near a store and started looking around-- should I bring him something, but...I'm not sure what he like-- I though, I was not sure so I just buy some randomly

( time skip, again cause I don't want to fill too much)

I got off the car, and opened the door-- should supposed to be closed...-- I slowly entered the café, I took a few looks around and  I remembered that Blaze was closing today.

I walked towards the stairs and directed myself to the restrooms, after gathering there I opened the door, I directly focused my attention in one of the doors closing.

Third pov

Ice slowly walked towards the door, Ice give a knock at the door, Ice could hear a small jump inside there Ice gave smile for such a cute moment-- Blaze, it's me....Ice-- Ice said with a calm tone, Blaze opens the door and jumped on Ice arms, Blaze kissed Ice, Ice was processing the situation, Blaze separated from that small kiss and quickly looked at Ice eyes-- P- please...-- Blaze muttered, Blaze face was all red and moving he's hips back-and-forth , Ice knew this type of situation-- Blaze...ugh- please....your not think-.

Ice was cut out by a pair of lip, the kiss at first was small and now  slowly its turning possessive and lustful, each move Ice hands on Blaze hips, Blaze arms around Ice neck, Ice grads tightly more on Blaze hips and simulating thrusts with his now erect member, making Blaze moans -- fuck..... we can't d-do this here...-- Ice stopped he's action and looked at Blaze-- lets go....somewhere else..--Ice voice was deep and heavy.

Ice took Blaze in arms, Blaze wrapped he's leg around Ice hips, Ice holded Blaze, Ice took he's steps and walked towards hes room.

( quick note the cafe were Blaze work at is the same place Ice live just that Ice live in the third floor, I got inspired by a BL manga I read, Now back to the book)

Ice carefully pinned Blaze in the bed, Blaze pulled Ice near he's  ear , whispering something that only Ice could hear, making Ice smirk, Ice started to kiss Blaze neck leaving small kisses and marks all around, making Blaze moan.

The two of them started to undressing themselves, leaving such a lustful scene in the room,both of them completely naked, Ice eyes were glaring at such a perfect body, Ice hands were exploring that perfect body, Ice started touching Blaze chest, sucking Blaze nipples and leaving marks.

-- ahm~~I-Ice...ah~-- Blaze moans are getting louder, Blaze jumped has he felt something entering at he's entrance, Blaze quickly looked down.

-- I need to loose you up first, so relax-- Those were the last word Ice said and started kissing passionate, taking control in the kiss, Ice took the lubricant and poured it in he's fingers, Ice entered a first finger making circles in Blaze entrance, two finger now making cutting like a scissors (:3) Blaze is a moaning mess, three fingers now.

-- ah~!.ah~ Ice, I-i think,  I'm ready n-now, ah~--Blaze quickly looked at Ice eyes, making him know that he's ready, Ice understood the moment and changed Blaze position leaving Blaze face looking at the pillows, and took he's erect member and slowly entering in Blaze entrance, -- "feels..weird"-- Blaze thought to himself.

-- ugh- tell m-me, when you... get u-use to i-it-- Ice muttered waiting for Blaze getting use; A few minutes Blaze moved letting him That he's ready, Ice started with slowly and deep thrusts, each  moans filling the room.

-- f- faster...ah~ pl-please~ah~ -- Blaze muttered in he's moans, making Ice going faster in each thrusts, Ice grads tightly on Blaze hips making the thrusts harder and deep.

--Ah~!-- Blaze moaned loudly this time, Ice found Blaze sweet-spot, Ice thrusting faster and deep, and making Blaze moan louder in each thrusts-- " I'm Cumming" --(not sure how to write that) Blaze thought to himself.

-- Ice~... I'm c-cumming...ah~ -- Blaze muttered in moans, Blaze legs are already giving up for him-- m-me too..ah~--Ice muttered, Ice gave a few thrusts and both of them cum at the same, Blaze cum in the sheets and Ice cum inside of Blaze.

Ice took he's breath, and looked at Blaze who's was already sleep, Ice gave a short and sweet smile, and kissed Blaze cheek and cleaned each other and of course changed the sheets.

( time skip bought to you by Ice looking for pijamas for both of them)

*In the morning*

--hmm~-- Blaze slowly opened he's eyes and sitted up on the bed and has he sitted he could feel a pinch in the back, after letting he's eyes getting use to the light, he knew he wasn't at he's apartment and quickly looked to a side and saw Ice laying next to him.

-- he looks so cute when he sleep -- Blaze whispered covering he's mouth, loud enough to make Ice wake up, Ice slowly opened he's eyes and looked up straight to Blaze eyes, -- how you feeling?-- Ice asked in a sleepy tone, Blaze was still processing the windows.

-- what do you mean?-- Blaze asked, Ice just let Blaze process what was happening, after getting what he meant, Blaze face was has red has a tomato, Ice laughed at such a funny scene,-- Now you know I what a meant-- Ice said still laughing, -- but t-t-those this m-means t-that were are s-something?-- Blaze asked making Ice stopped laughing and sitting up straight and getting near Blaze face.

--Do you want too?-- Ice gave Blaze a short smile, Blaze quickly moved he's head up and down -- y-yes!-- Blaze said, they both shared a short and sweet kiss. And the morning continued with both of them being a couple.


Hello part two is now here sorry I took too long...... I been a little sick lately and hope you like..... did I explain my self in each detail.... I'm good at explaining......

Oh! I have and Idea for a new book it's for the tholar shipper I'm thinking on doing it like omegavers storie, should I do it or not

Let me know in the comments <3

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