training time thundclone ❤💙

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It's was a beautiful day in the elemental house, Blaze playing videos game while Ice laying his head in Blaze lap, solar and Thorn in the garden section, taking care of the plant and watering some few of them, while waiting for the sunflower to open, mamá quake as always was in the kitchen making lunch for everyone.

While in the training section that's was in the backyard of the house  it could hear how the sound of wind and thunders was able to hear from the kitchen to the garden section.

Thorn was wondering who were the one training this time, before going out with solar to the garden he saw ice and Blaze in the living room before going out.

-- who's training again, solar?-- Thorn ask wondering who making so much sound, while watering the sunflower.

-- it's thunderstorm and cyclone,darling this time, remember? -- solar said with a calm tone while smiling.

-- oh yh, it's their turn to traing, hehe-- Thorn said with a small giggle, -- hope cyclone kicks his ass this time with his 3 tier-- said smiling.

-- I don't think so, u know he will never gonna hurt his boyfriend, as well thunderstorm-- solar said with bored tone this time.

Yh, u right-- Thorn said after finishing watering the last plant.

*right in the Training section cyclone was almost losing his mind on tying not to turn in his 3 tier*

-- come on, babe or are u scare to use ur 3 tier on me?-- thunderstorm smirked with a low tone, while trying to make his lover to use his 3 tier so he can practice better.

-- ohh, darling u know it's not gonna work on me, still not gonna use my 3 tier-- cyclone reply back to his lover with a low tone too.

-- you sure, about that?-- thunderstorm make a real fast move to appear in the back of his lover, making cyclone to make a move to get a away from that punch, -- ohh~~ playing dirty, I see, ok so u asking that much-- cyclone turns into his 3 tier.

-- game on, then-- tempest says, with a small smirk in it his face--

*After a few fights tempest ended on sitting on his lover Lap has he were on top of him holding him with his two hand, while pushing him to laid down to make him not move,cyclone look at the score bar, his wided after to see at his lover had more wins than him.*

--how?!-- screams wondering how did  he not win after such a savage fight and turning into his 2 tier, cyclone looks down into his boyfriend eyes who had a smirk on.

-- Told u, if u had used ur 3 teir, u might as well win me-- thunderstorm says with smirk on, making cyclone let go of him while still sitting on his lap, --hmph-- that's what thunderstorm gat as a answer, thunderstorm made a small smile has he grading his chubby cheeks to place a small but sweet kiss.

Both looks at each other as if there was no other person looking at each other, they kiss gain but this  time the kiss was a little more passionate, they let go of the kiss after they hear Quake calling they names telling them its was time for lunch.

-- lets go -- cyclone says with a small blush in his face, he stoop up and  give a hand to his lover, telling to stand up with a sweet smile, thunderstorm hold his hand to stand up as they walk towards the house, holding hands.

* After lunch each of the elemental couple take their ways as ice took blaze to they bed room to take a "real quick nap" with the excuse " before he makes trouble" this time Blaze was not  thinking of making trouble, has Quake grad his small bag from  the small table that was next to the door, walk put has fang waits for him outside, of course not before telling them not to burn the house, solar and Thorn was again in the garden section, has thunder and cyclone was in the living room watching a movie.*

watching a movie while they hugged and snuggled with each other, at the end of the movie they gave each other another sweet kiss, but as the kiss continued it got deeper as the time they kept kissing, a trail of saliva was what was let go as they walk away so they can catch their breath, --it'll be better if we continue this in our room-- thunderstorm says with a smirk in his face.

Cyclone was still trying to catch his breath, he answered his head with the up and down sign, thunderstorm hold him has a princess style, they got into they bedroom and lock the door, so anyone would be able to open and come in and disturb them.

♡ hello there If ur reading this hope u enjoy let me know if u like the stories as u leave a comment or a star.

Sorry I had not update for so long I been really busy this few days and I been losing motivation to keep on going but I will try my best to update atleast each Friday, but I don't make promises 😅.

Update at : 12:05am, Tuesday, March 1 2020

Love yall <3 ♡

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