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[Before this story starts this is how you look]

[Before this story starts this is how you look][THIS PICTURE DOES NOT BELONG TO ME]

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My Names Y/N...The last night fury on this cruel world.. you might be asking why it's cruel? Well...
Because of those 'Dragon Hunters'
They kill dragons without mercy at all and sell their variable Body parts or force them to fight for them which is disgusting if you ask me
I am lucky enough to be able to keep my existent away and hid from them
I loathe Dragon hunters from the day when I first saw them kill my parents
They killed them right in front of my own eyes...
I can still sometimes hear their loud cries of pain when they were being slaughtered
It still haunts me
It hurts...
It's scary...
Why me?..
These questions were roaming inside my head when I suddenly woke up from my nightmare about my parents being slaughtered
I groaned and whimpered a bit after waking up from that terrible dream
I lived inside of a cave hidden away from humans and other dragons
I usually only go out to find food since I am a lazy and scared dragon
I stretched my wings and got ready for flying and just like that I jumped and flew into the air
I then started my search for food and when I finally got to my place where the berries and a river filled with fish
It wasn't like before...
It looked a base which I never noticed but then again I dont go that much so I thought human might Have discovered this place and build their base here seeing all the resources needed are in here at one place
I wasn't angry or something since I knew by their base they were normal bystanders but...I was so wrong...
I suddenly heard dragons roars and screams but not like they are in pain or something but more like they are happy and excited
This confused me and I followed the dragons roars and then I saw 5 different types of dragons with 6 humans
A Monstrous Nightmare, A gronckle, Deadly Nadder, Hideous Zippleback and a...
Oh my Thor.
But it's been enslaved by a human!
I got to save them!
I started preparing a plasma blast at the brown haired human without a leg but looks like the other night fury noticed me preparing the plasma blast and quickly covered his wings around that human which made my plasma blast useless
"BUD!? Are you okay!?" The human shouted checking the night fury for any wounds
This confused me
Why did that night fury save him!?
Was he forced!?
I thought while snarling slightly which didn't go un noticed by the humans and dragons and they all turned to me
"oh my Thor...ANOTHER NIGHT FURY!" The brown haired human shouted And "it's a female!" A blonde boy shouted
I again prepared a plasma blast warning them to stay away from me

"Uhm guys..."

"She doesn't look friendly."

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