||Chapter 4||

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||Toothless POV||
"Then why did you lie to me?" She asked me with a bit of sadness in her eyes which also pained me too
"Sorry...I just didn't want you to be disappointed..." I replied with honesty
But it seemed like it didn't do anything because she just sighed and flew to a tree branch and then turned upside down and went to sleep
I didn't know what else to do when suddenly the drawing her face on the sand idea hit me and so I went to find a branch which I did and started drawing her while she looked at what i was doing curiously
Then finally when I was done she came down from her branch and started observing the picture I made but she stepped on my drawing which made growl at her which she also returned with a growl which scared me
I was like a puppy to her growls
"This is amazing toothless..." she complimented which made blush a bit and after that she came close to me which made our faces inches away from each other's and when it felt like she about to kiss me..Hiccup blew his cover
Which caught Y/N's Attention and made her furious seeing the same male again but this time she didn't attack him and just flew in the air
"CMON TOOTHLESS!" She shouted while I looked at her with pleading eyes
That confused her
"Toothless?..." she asked me but I just lowered my head which made her understood I wasn't coming
She then flew away with tears in her eyes which was very hard for me to watch
"Sorry again bud..." hiccup awkwardly apologised while I looked at him with narrowing eyes but then just sighed
||Y/N POV||
"Why toothless why...?" I kept asking the same question in my head
"Why did you really chose a human over your own kind?.." I also thought this but nothing seems to make sense!
He is a night fury and not to mention the last male night fury!
While I was distracted from thinking all of this suddenly a arrow hit me in my wing which made me let out a surprised scream and made me lose my balance which caused me to fall down in the cold water
I was paralysed because of that arrow and couldn't move to swim up to breathe and somehow the hunters spotted me and threw fishing net in which I got caught
No matter how much tried to escape I would only get more tangled in that fish net
They pulled me out of the water and on their ship and I started coughing out water and trying to catch my breath and ofc taking advantage of my weakened state they were about to put me in a dragon prove cage without me having the energy to fight back
They were about to throw me in the cage and there I knew what was going to happen...so with my final energy

I blasted a plasma blast in the air as a help call before they could lock me in that dragon prove cage

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