||Chapter 3||

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[Toothless POV]
"WAIT!" I Roared but she didn't stop didn't even look back at me...As I saw her disappear in the air
"Sorry Bud..we didn't mean to ruin your chance with the Female fury we were just worried about you" hiccup spoke from behind while Astrid also gave me a apologetic look
I just gave them a nod showing them I forgive them but they still could see my ears bend down but thankfully they didn't speak any further and we started heading back to our base
The walk was quiet but not awkward
Astrid and Hiccup were talking while I was behind them walking not paying attention to their talk
Finally we arrived and slept some more before being woken up by Tuffnut and Ruffnut
We all were annoyed by both of them but luckily for them we decided not to do anything
After breakfast we all started searching for the female night fury but after searching for almost the whole day we didn't find her...so we decided to go home

[Timeskip to Night Again]
I hadn't slept at all when I suddenly again heard a noise from the bushes and I knew it immediately....
That she was here..
I followed her again and this time she led me to a sandy place near a river
Suddenly she pinned me to the ground without me even realizing
She growled but not at me but at the entrance through we entered?
She then finally got off and spoke
"Sorry...about the things i said yesterday" with a surprisingly soft voice
"It's fine!" I forgave her and she looked up at me with her adorable eyes
This made me blush hard which made her giggle
Suddenly I heard a sound from the entrance and turned around only to see Hiccup hiding behind a tree but thankfully Y/N didn't notice him but she noticed me looking behind so she also looked but luckily hiccup had already hidden before she could see him
"Toothless what are you looking at?" Y/N asked me and I lied "Nothing! Just zoned out.."
"Okay..." she spoke with doubt and suspected me with her eyes before licking my cheek which almost made me red and going more near the river
She then started dancing while waving her wings which I immediately realised as....
THE MATING DANCE [ok so for those who don't know mating dance is a dance in which a male/female dragon dances while waving their wings in the air to seduce the other female/male dragon but to became mates you need to do the same dance as the male/female did]
I was nervous since I had never done a mate dance before but to be with her I had to..so I looked back at hiccup with 'help me please' eyes to which he immediately started dancing like a chicken
I was confused but did the same thing he did anyway but...looked like Y/N didn't like it and looked at me with confused eyes
"What..?" I asked her and she gulped
"Have you never done or seen a mate dance before?..." she asked me dodging my question
"Well—uh yes!..I have.. just..Out of practice!" I lied again and she nodded
"Okay then...I will do the easier dance for you" saying that she started showing another dance which made me sweat
After finishing she said it's my turn and I again looked at hiccup with the same eyes as before and he started doing a dancing which was really..Weird but then again I also did it while getting close to Y/N which completely I think Creeped her out because she hitted me three times on my nose and asked "Toothless you don't know how to dance do you?" Which I replied with honesty "yes"
She sighed and then again asked me

"Why did you lie to me then..?"

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