||Chapter 2||

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[Toothless POV]
"How will I win her heart..." I thought knowing taming her will not be enough
"I need her trust and her love to make her my mate...but it won't be easy especially if hiccup and his friends are with me"
"Toothless you there?" Stormfly nudged me slightly realising I had zoned out and I snapped back into reality
"Y-ye I'm here just zoned out" I replied
"What did you zoned out about?" Meatlug asked me excited to know
"Oh n-nothing meatlug I was just wondering if we will ever be able to find her again" I lied
"Well looks like someone's impatient to meet her again~" Hookfang teased
"Stop it hookfang!" I growled at him and then walked away back to hiccup's place

[Timeskip to Night Time]
it was midnight when suddenly I heard some bushes make noise near our place
And I woke up
I then started following the sound in curiosity which led me to a forest and then I saw her...

The female Night fury..was the one sneaking near our base but why...?
She knows that humans live there then why did she come back?
I thought and suddenly she slowly started moving her head towards me alerted by my presence but immediately calmed down once she saw it was me

I calmed down once i saw it was the male night fury and purred slightly
It made the male night fury's face a bit red which made me giggle
"Hi there my names Y/N and you are?"
I introduced myself and asked him
"O-Oh it's toothless..." he replied immediately
"Well nice to meet you toothless" I greeted him and he just nodded
"Well don't mind me asking why did you save that human from my attacks?"
I asked him out of curiosity
"O-Oh uhm well—" before he could finish we heard the humans voice shouting "TOOTHLESS! Where are ya bud!?"
And then the brown haired human and a blonde female human came out of the bushes
I growled and prepared a plasma blast but toothless came in front of the two humans and I stopped not wanting to hurt toothless
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET AWAY FROM THEM!" I roared at him and he flinched but then spoke "No Y/N! Let me explain!"
"EXPLAIN WHAT!? THAT YOU ARE THEIR PET!? I CAME BACK JUST TO FREE YOU!" I roared not really meaning the first words that I said because I was really angry and scared
This seemed to hurt toothless's feelings a lot but I didn't care that time. "YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO DRAGONS. AND SO ARE YOUR DRAGON FRIENDS"

I roared at him and prepared a plasma blast right at humans not caring if it hit toothless that time but unfortunately for me toothless and The two humans dodged it just in time
I snarled at them one last time before flying into the air to escape while toothless trying catching up with me


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