Chapter 6 - The Kidnapped Helps The Kidnapper

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Courtney's POV

It's been about a week and a half since I was first brought to Hunter's house. Daniel has kept in touch with Hunter, telling him that he has been working on getting the money together. I just have to wait until the money is in Hunter's hands.

Besides the wait, everything else has been going pretty well. I've been making good ground around here with the guys, beginning to feel more like a friend than a prisoner. We have pretty much just all have had fun around each other, and I don't feel nearly as nervous as before. John and Alex also tend to have lunch and sometimes dinner with Hunter and I too, making for more time to laugh and make jokes.

Hunter had been say the least. He has kept his distance, never getting any closer than needed, and I feel like I don't have to test any waters around him now. I've pretty much figured out what he is for and against, and how he reacts to certain things that are said. He's pretty much becoming an open book to me.

Hunter had to go out again this afternoon, leaving me here alone once again. He made it clear that he wouldn't be back until very late so I have been in this room ever since. However, I've gotten pretty used to it. It hasn't been too bad staying in here.

It had to be past midnight when I thought I heard something. Opening my eyes I saw that my room was black due to the night being a cloudy night. I yawned slightly but stopped and stayed still as I heard muffled voices. I listened for a moment until I started hearing yelling. I sat up, looking towards my door. What is going on?

I sat listening to the multiple voices and yelling, growing more and more worried the longer it kept up. However, I soon heard footsteps running up the stairs. I clutched the blanket, my spine stiffening. I heard the footsteps get closer then my door being unlocked. Immediately, John practically fell into my room. "Courtney! Something has happened and I need your help!"

Now I could hear who the yelling was coming from. It was Hunter and it was filled with anger and pain. From the yelling and the urgency in John's voice, I knew something was definitely wrong. Within seconds, I was out of my bed and next to John's side, looking at him with a worried expression. "What happened?" I asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder and hurried me out of the room.

"There was a work hazard," he said as he led me down the hall, his grip a bit tight from whatever has happened no doubt. "Things didn't go as well as we hoped tonight and Hunter got a little hurt. However, he refused to go to the hospital and get help."

We made it down the stairs and through the living room. That's when I clearly heard Hunter cursing at everyone there in the kitchen. A young man with auburn looking hair caught sight of me with his amber eyes, and I noticed him as the driver from the first night I arrived. "Oh look!" He said in an all too happy tone. His voice proved my recognition right. "John's here with Courtney! Come on Alex. Let's get out of here and let them take care of this." He quickly stepped away from the outraged Hunter, Alex close behind him.

Alex paused next to John and grimaced a bit. "He is not happy," he said then glanced at me. "Hi Courtney! Bye Courtney!" He said quickly as he exited the house.

John let out a heavy sigh and looked at me. "Alright, I'm going to get the medical supplies. Go in there and see if you can get him to stay still." I nodded and turned to step into the kitchen, listening to Hunter all the while. When I entered my eyes immediately found him.

"I have to get back out there!" He yelled as he tried to push himself up and out of the chair they had placed him in. He sat near the table, clutching his side. That's when I noticed that his white t-shirt was soaked with blood.

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