Chapter 17 - Staying Busy

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John's POV

After about an hour, I went upstairs to check on Courtney. She had been upstairs since we got home and I haven't heard anything from her since. Gently opening the door, I peeked in through the small opening. I saw her form under the covers of the bed, sleeping. I smiled lightly at the sight.

Good. After everything she went through, she needed the rest. I quietly shut the door, making my way down the stairs again. It was still surprising to me that everything went down the way it had, and it was good to have Courtney in a safe place once again. However, Hunter still wasn't back yet.

I made my way to the kitchen where I knew Alex was at the table. He had come back just a short while ago but he seemed very upset about something. I thought that maybe it was the whole fight and decided to let him cool down for a bit. Appearing in the doorway, I leaned against the wood, looking at Alex. "So, where's Hunter?" I asked.

Alex just gave a simple shrug, not raising his eyes from the table. "Currently, he is M.I.A.," he mumble, "I thought that it would be best to give him space and let him cool off after everything that happened, but I haven't seen him since the mall." This caused my eyebrows to furrow in slight concern, but Alex just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "He had this stupid idea that Courtney didn't need him around anymore and that Courtney was afraid from him now."

I let out a sigh, lifting a hand to rub it over my face. "He is such an idiot," I groaned. "Do you have any idea, at all, where he might be? I don't want Courtney to wake up and find out that he is missing."

Alex shook his head, though he still wasn't looking up. "I have no idea. I already went everywhere I thought he may run off to but I obviously didn't have any luck."

This isn't good... I went over to the counter and grabbed my car keys. "I'm going to go out and try to find him. I need you to stay here and keep any eye on Courtney. She's sleeping right now."

"You want me to watch her while she sleeps?" He asked sarcastically as he stood, finally bringing his eyes up from the table.

"I didn't mean it like that, you idiot. Just check in on her now and then to make sure she is okay, or if she woke up." With a nod from Alex, I made my way to the door, determined to try and find Hunter.

Courtney's POV

It was strange where I found myself when John told me to go upstairs and try to get some rest. Upon going upstairs, my feet had taken me to Hunter's room instead of mine. I was wondering where he was, and why he hadn't been the one that took me home, but I was still too shaken up to dwell on my thoughts for long. I remember grabbing a shirt and a pair of his boxers before heading to my room.

I had changed into his clothes, crawling under the covers of my bed. The soft fabric and hold of the mattress seemed welcoming to my tired and worn out body, but I lay there for a few moments almost too afraid to shut my eyes. All I could really remember at that point about what happened was the yelling, the way Daniel had looked at me with anger and disgust, being cornered, Hunter appearing there, and me yelling stop. Next thing I knew, John was there and we were leaving.

Sleep, however, did find its hold on me soon enough, though it was restless and dark. As light came in through the darkness, I found myself back in the bathroom. Everything was consumed in an eerie silence and I was alone. I had looked around me and saw no one until my eyes landed on Daniel. That's when the yelling and cursing all started again.

I tried to move as he approached but I couldn't. I couldn't move, I couldn't hide, and even my voice seemed to have been taken away from me. I couldn't yell and scream at him to stop as he approached, even though I was in my mind. Behind him, I saw Sanders walking into view. Fear coursed through me once more as I saw both of them together. Hunter, help me! Something pushed me from behind and I landed on the ground, curling into a tight ball.

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