Chapter 26 - The Quieting Storm

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Courtney's POV

The night at Daniel's house seemed to melt away like a bad dream. Here I lay with my head on the chest of the man that I loved as his strong arms held me close. I felt safe again next to his side, and I never wanted that to change. However, I still didn't feel so well. I wasn't sure if it was because of everything that happened last night, or if I was coming down with a small stomach bug.

I turned my head slightly, as to not wake Hunter up, and squinted towards the clock. 8:30 a.m. I sighed slightly, my stomach feeling awful. I carefully slid out of Hunter's embrace, sitting up as I rubbed my head. Whatever this was, I just hoped it passed soon.

I left the bed and quickly went into the bathroom.

Alex's POV

My gaze remained out the window as John drove. Since I now had to keep my arm wrapped up in a sling, I wasn't considered the best driver. I wasn't in much pain, but it hurt to touch my shoulder. Thanks to Courtney, though, I didn't have much damage or blood loss.

Thinking back to last night, everything was a bit fuzzy. I remember John and Hunter coming in, but I wouldn't be able to replay everything that was said. At that point, the pain had really begun to get to me, and I was hardly able to pay much attention. After I was put into the car, everything went black. I woke up on John's couch this morning.

John says that I had passed out on the drive to Hunter's house. He had decided to just have me crash at his place so it would be easier to keep an eye on me. He says I stayed asleep the whole time he was patching me up. I still felt awful about everything since I was the one who initiated it all.

"What are you thinking about?"

John's voice drew me out of my thoughts and I glanced over at him. He looked at me for a moment before returning his attention to the road. When he looked at me again, I just simply shrugged, returning my attention back to the window.

"You're thinking of last night, aren't you?"

His question was a bit softer, but I could've guessed he would've known. He's good like that. I nodded and let my head fall back against the seat, looking over at him. "Yeah, I am," I admitted softly. "I just can't believe how stupid I can be sometimes. I shouldn't have been so persistent in getting Courtney to go to that house, especially after everything she has gone through."

John's lips formed into a grin and he began to laugh, which I returned with a questioning gaze. "You're right about the crap that she has been though, and how you should've just went as originally planned, but you didn't have any idea that things had changed and would turn out the way they did." He glanced over at me and quickly bumped my good shoulder. "You just need to chill. Everything is alright now."

I couldn't help but shake my head though, my thoughts now flying to Courtney. I doubt things are alright... "Remember back to when Hunter went M.I.A. after everything that happened at the mall?" I had no doubt that John would forget any of that, but I just needed to make sure he was fully listening to me.

He glanced over, his eyebrows furrowed now. "What about it?"

I looked out the window again as I continued. "When you left to go looking for Hunter, I went up to Courtney's room to check on her like you said. As soon as I got to the door, I heard her scream. I saw her sitting up in bed after having a nightmare, and she was screaming Hunter's name." I looked back at John, concern and fear filling my chest. "She had a nightmare because of the first experience with Daniel, and I just put her through another one. Who knows what that could've done to her last night?"

John released a breath and was quiet for a moment. "I can't tell you if Courtney is scared right now, and I can't tell you if she had a nightmare because of last night," he began slowly. "But I can tell you that Courtney isn't one to hold a grudge or blame anyone for something. Not to mention that she always seems alright once she's had some time to calm down and relax."

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