prologue - Marigold By the Waters

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Sparks of late June in the air, bittersweet fragrance of the salty waves blowing all around the beach. The tides crashing against one another, creating the tranquil, natural sounds of the season.

The refreshing breeze drafting ahead of her, guiding her hair to linger over her misty, ebony eyes, aqua strands ambling across her fragile gaze. Her bare feet sinking into the damp sand, fingers gently caressing the sage stem of the marigold she held.

There, several yards in front of her, stood him. Messy locks of auburn tousled in the air from the pleasant current, back turned towards her as he gazed out into the deep indigo waves along the seashore.

Bracing herself for the worst outcome, she took a deep breath, calling out for him, "Hey, Luke!"

He instantly turned to look at her upon hearing his name, giving a bright grin to the other fourteen-year-old, "Hi, Hailey!"

She graciously returned it, striding towards him, seashell debris pricking her feet. The sun ablaze, golden beams of light reflecting down onto the waterfront. Her fingers gently fondled the flower in her hands, heart pounding against her chest.

She finally arrived in front of him, slightly tilting her head to stare into his glistening honey eyes. Luke offered a crooked smile in return, before breaking the peaceful silence they shared, "So, why did you want to meet here?"

"Oh," Hailey softly exclaimed. Her eyes briefly traced the flower in her hand, lightly biting her lip, a sign of disquiet, "Um," Lifting the plant, she held it out towards him, mind racing in a tornado of thoughts, "This is for you," She stammered, onyx eyes flickering away.

Luke curiously glanced down at the marigold, "Oh, thank you," He nervously smiled, clear confusion brimming his tone.

A light hue of rose settled on Hailey's cheeks, and she decided to further explain her gesture, "The fourth of July festival is next week," She murmured, fumbling with the rim of her t-shirt, "Maybe, if it's not too crazy to you, you and I could go together," Finally mustering the courage to look at him, her eyes scanned his face, trying to read his emotions, "Y'know... Like, as my date?"

He gaped down at her, expression unreadable. Eventually, his familiar warm smile broke onto his face, their fingers briefly grazing as he accepted the flower from her, "I'd love to go as your date, Hailey!" He cheerfully exclaimed, pressing the petals against his nose, taking in a deep breath, "It smells nice. My favorite flower, you know?"

She let out an audible exhale of relief, before responding to his question, "Yeah, that's why I got it."

Their hair dawdled in the zephyr, both their cheeks flushing red, eyes darting anyone but towards their crush. Wanting to break the awkward tension, Hailey spoke up at last, "Well, I'll see you Wednesday then?"

Returning a smile, Luke's amiable golden gaze fell onto her, "I look forward to it."

heya readers :) this collab fic was previously on scythe's account, but it's going to be updated on here from now on <3 there's not much of a schedule for chapter updates, so please be patient if you're eager to read ty 

the amazing collaborators i'm working with on this story are are scythe ( Strxwberry_Sugxr ) who wrote this prologue chapter, and bean ( bean_pfft_peterson ), who will start us off with the first actual chapter after a lil oneshot! 


word count: 578 

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