chapter four (part 1) - Beach Day: The Arrival

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Pleeeeease Zander? I swear it will be fun!"

The mauve-haired boy sat draped across the couch, his head propped up by pillows on one side, with his feet and lower calves hanging off the other edge in a relaxed manner. In his left hand was an iced cup of lemonade, with little water droplets dripping down it slowly. In his right hand, the television remote, the channel button being mindlessly clicked by the boy holding it. He glanced upwards and away from the screen to his sister, nagging him once again, and his best friend, standing a little behind her. Annoyed, he shifted his weight towards her, where she was standing at the doorway to outside.

"Tch, why would I want to go to the beach? It's 95 degrees out, there are crabs, the water is dirty, the sand gets all over me, and clearly, there's no cable".

Hailey's face changed from one of hope to the same look of annoyance Zander had just moments before, that he now replaced with a smirk.

"We're leaving in ten minutes. Just... meet us outside by then if you want to go."

She turned to walk out of the house, dragging her feet a little underneath her. The teal haired girl glanced back to her step-brother for a moment, sighed, then quietly left.

As Zander went to shift back into his spot, Luke stumbled over to him. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts and form them into words.

"H-Hey, Zander, I won't force you to, but... I'd really appreciate it if you would go with us."

He fiddled with his hands for a few seconds, as if he had almost forgotten what he was trying to say to his friend.

"I feel really bad for what happened at the festival... I was hoping we could... I could make it up to you."

With that, Luke walked out the door, leaving Zander his ten minutes to get ready.


The screen door shut, the noise pounding his friend's words into the pale-boy's skull.

I'd really appreciate it if you would go with us.

"Maybe going to the beach isn't such a bad idea..." he thought to himself, "But I don't even have a full ten minutes, I doubt I would even make it".

He laid there still for a moment, blankly staring at the ceiling. His lower legs swung at the bottom of the couch, as he tried to go back to his original plans for the day. As his eyes wandered around the living room aimlessly, the boy spotted the door just sitting there, a light breeze swaying the screen door that had just been shut moments before by his best friend.


"Screw it."


The purple-haired boy leapt off the couch, almost spilling his drink in the process. He placed the beverage on the coffee table, then sprinted up the stairs, desperate to beat the clock.


"God, where is it..."

Zander frantically searched his room, running around and checking every corner. The boy kept a beach bag tucked away in his room, in case he ever planned on going to the beach or a pool. It contained a swim shirt, swim shorts, sandals, swim shoes, sunblock, a towel, a snack, and some water bottles. At the time he considered it a good idea, which it was, but the detail of where to keep the bag must have slipped his mind in the process.

"Found it!"


"Should I put the bathing suit on while I'm here? That way I won't have to worry about it when we get to the beach..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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