chapter three - The Next Step

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(this chapter was written by Strxwberry_Sugxr ) 

"The stars look really pretty tonight."

Luke turned towards his date, raising an eyebrow as he took a moment to brush his fluffy bangs out of his face, briefly flashing his shimmering butterscotch eyes.

"Yeah, I agree," He murmured, tracing his eyes back up the the indigo empyrean, dotted with the dozens of twinkling stars. Luke was often in a much more amiable mood, however Hailey couldn't help but notice how he had been notably upset since Zander's sudden departure.

Hailey turned to look at Luke, admiring the way the dim moonlight complimented his features, his long auburn bangs swishing along with the light wind, lingering over his gaze. Quite a dream boy, he was.

And it wasn't even for that reason Hailey had grown a liking for him. His personality made him seem nearly irresistible, the charm, the kindness, he was perfect. His looks only happened to be an added bonus. The fact all the girls at their school weren't completely swooning for him amazed Hailey, because she definitely was.

8 minutes. It had been only about 8 minutes since Hailey had shared a kiss-- her first kiss, with him. Something deep inside her made Hailey slightly upset Zander had come along and destroyed the precious moment, because Hailey honestly would kiss that boy forever if she could.


A soft voice called out, slightly more distinguishable than the rest of the loud chatter at the festival. Hailey kept her gaze glued on Luke, assuming the comment hadn't been directed at her.

"You guys! Luke and Hailey!"

The sound of their names made the two fourteen-year-olds turn around, glancing in the direction of the source.

Pushing through the crowd towards them, a girl with a loose white shirt and navy blue hair flowing behind her was approaching the pair. Due to the limited lighting, her face wasn't recognizable. 

Once she had finally reached the pair, Hailey was able to get a better look at the girl.

She had narrow periwinkle eyes, and had neatly cut raven bangs hovering right above them. She was quite pretty- Hailey recognized her from their school, she had several classes with her, though never bothered to memorize her name.

"Oh," Luke lightly exclaimed, and Hailey could tell by his toe he also observed the fact she had attended school with them, "Stacy, right?"

"Yeah." The girl, supposedly named Stacy, replied. She was still lightly panting due to her running, but she still held a serious aura.

"Yeah!" Luke spoke back, offering Stacy a friendly smile, showing off his pearly white teeth, along with his small dimples, "I'm pretty sure we have rec leadership together!"

Stacy nodded in response, before folding her arms across her chest, "Anyways, the reason I'm here is to tell you both you're absolute jerks."

Hailey and Luke were both quite taken aback at the comment, their eyes wide as they stared back at her in surprise.

"Sorry... What?" Hailey scoffed, finding herself growing quite defensive at the remotely rude remark.

"Your friend Zander?" Stacy elaborated, her tone indicating she was quite disappointed in the two in front of her, "I just found him bawling his eyes out, absolutely heartbroken."

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