chapter one - Just For Some Kettle Corn

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(this chapter was written by: bean_pfft_peterson ) 

The night of the festival. It was the Fourth of July, and Rosemeadow had its annual celebration planned. Such a beautiful landscape, the green grass still slightly damp from the early rain. Bright lights, the concessions and rides lit up the night sky with hundreds of different colors. Cheerful voices, everyone was always so cheerful at these town events. And of course, delicious food, it's not easy to find good carnival food at other places, so it's a nice addition to the night. There's not much more to ask for, which is what made this the perfect outing. 

Especially for a date. 


6:00 p.m. 

Zander and Hailey's house. 

"S-so, are you two a couple now?" the mauve haired boy stuttered. 

"Well uh, not exactly", his step sister replied. 

Across from Zander stood his two best friends, Luke and Hailey. The three had been inseparable for years at this point. They went through everything together. There were never any secrets between them, so why was this happening now? Streams of thoughts flooded the boy's head. 

When did this happen? 

How did I not see the signs? 

Were there even any signs? 

Will this change things between us? 

Will they not need me anymore? 

Will I be left alone? 

"We're just going on a date, Zander. Nothing is official yet." chuckled the auburn haired boy. Luke.

Always so positive and outgoing, even in awkward situations such as this. His charming smile and glowing golden eyes were just about enough to cheer up anyone he was to cross paths with. One of Zander's favorite qualities within his best friend. 

Finally, Zander was able to choke out, "I'm so happy for you guys! I hope you have fun at the festival." 

"What do you mean, silly?" the teal haired girl questioned, "You're coming too!" 


Zander's step sister and close friend. She was one who may be described as very 'down to earth', but she also had a sparkle of optimism. Such a stable bond the two had built over the years. Zander was able to trust the two of him with anything, as were they. 

This didn't feel like the case to Zander at the moment. 

"Yea! We go here every year together, there's no need to change that just because of a change in status," Luke beamed. 

Luke's energy was met with a low mutter from Zander. 

"That's true..." 


Not the peaceful, friendly, silence, but the awkward silence. This sort of long pause hadn't occurred to them since they were much younger. They had all became so comfortable with each other over time, like a true family. Most likely, the only other time they felt this awkward was when they all first met. In other words... 

This was not turning out to be the perfect outing the whole group was expecting. 


6:30 p.m. 

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