YLM 15

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Third Person's POV

' How is she? ' Mrs. Son asked
' I can't say that she's alright because we all know she isn't, But Mrs. Son... We should perform a surgery as soon as possible, I don't think she can endure more pain ' The doctor spoke

Mrs. Son started to cry while her husband soothe her

' When will she wake up then? ' Mrs. Myoui asked looking at the girl worriedly
' She will wake up in no time Mrs. Myoui ' The Doctor spoke

Just in cue, The girl flutter open her eyes and roam her eyes around

' E-eomma ' Chaeyoung mumbled
' Baby, How are you? are you hurt somewhere? ' Mrs. Son asked as she sit beside Chayeoung's bed facing her

Chayeoung smile sadly and look at Mrs. Myoui

' M-mina, She's- She already in a relationship ' Chayeoung said and started to cry

' Sweetheart ' Mrs. Son softly called and sit on the other side of bed beside Chayeoung

' You will be fine, Is that the reason why you fainted? ' Mrs. Myoui asked

' It hurts Eomma, Mommy... My heart aches ' Chayeoung weakly said

' I think, we should separate them for the Meantime ' Mr. Myoui said
' Then what are we going to tell to Mina? ' Mr. Son asked

' N-no Dad, I want to stay with her. ' Chayeoung oppose
' But sweetheart, it will give you more pain ' Mr. Son said

' I want to stay with her... what if the surgery won't go well? I want to stay with her until before I take the surgery Appa, Please let me ' Chayeoung said

The room filled with silent cries.

Even the heads of both families started to tear up seeing their lovely Chayeoung Cry like this and be in a situation like this.

' Sorry hun, If I just take care of you well your heart won't be weak like this ' Mrs. Son said

' Eomma... It's not your fault ' Chaeyoung said
' The surgery will goes well Chaeng, we'll make sure of it ' Mrs. Myoui said and wipe her own tears

' But tell us if you can't stay with Mina anymore okay? We will separate you guys for the meantime, Just tell us ' Mrs. Son said

' Thankyou guys... ' Chayeoung said and wipe her own tears

' Mina and your friends are near ' Mr. Myoui said while looking at his phone

' When will you tell Mina about this? ' Mr. Son asked
' She will be sad Appa, I don't want her to worry about me too much... Can we just, keep it until the day of my surgery ? ' Chayeoung asked

The people inside the room sigh on the Cub's request but still agreed with her

' But if you can, Please tell her okay? ' Mrs. Myoui said

' She might get mad at first by keeping it a secret but you know her, She can't stay mad at you ' Mrs. Son said and smile

' We'll welcome your friends, Stay here for the Meantime ' Mr. Son said and they walk towards the door

' Thanks, Eomma,Appa, Dad and Mom... Thankyou for supporting me ' Chayeoung said Making them stop

' I was so afraid to admit that I'm falling for Mina but you guys tolerate it and I'm so thankful, I thought you'll be mad at me. ' Chayeoung said and smile

' I know her feelings are developing too, She just can't realize it ' Mrs. Myoui said and wink

then they left


' MOM! DAD! ' Mina shouts and hug her parents
' you miss us that much huh ' Mrs. Myoui said and chuckles

' Eomma, Appa ' Mina said and show her gummy smile ignoring what her mom said

' Only greet? Where's our hug? ' Mr. Son said

Mina immediately hug them while the couple hug her back

' You're growing beautifully Sweetie ' Mrs. Son complemented with a motherly smile
' Ofcourse? We're her parents, what do you expect? ' Mrs. Myoui said and laughs

' Thank God you didn't adopt your mom's attitude ' Mrs. Son whispered but can be heard by everyone

' Yah! ' Mrs. Myoui shouts while Mina laughs

' Aigoo I miss you so much my daughter ' Mr. Myoui said and hug Mina
' I thought I'm the one who you misses so much dad ' Chayeoung said and pouts

' Chaengie! ' Mina shouts and about to remove her father's embrace But her father tighten it

' I miss you so much princess ' Mr. Son said and hug Chayeoung

' What present do you want ' Mr. Myoui and Mr. Son said in unison
' The latest playstation? ' Both of them said in unison too

They face each other with a frown

' Are you copying me? ' Both of them said in unison too and they groaned
' There they goes again ' Mrs. Myoui and Mrs. Son whispered and look at each other

' They're still dorks after all ' Mrs. Myoui said while Mrs. Son agreed

' Chaengie ' Mina said and run towards Chayeoung

She hug her tight

' Get off Penguin, too tight ' Chayeoung whined
' Are you okay now? ' Mina asked and cup the Cub's face

' I-i am! ' Chayeoung sadi and Remove Mina's hands

' Eomma, Will you cook for mee~ ? ' Chayeoung cutely asked and walk towards her mother

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