YLM 19

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Mina's POV

I woke up with someone tugging me

I open my eyes only to see Nayeon

' Grandma said wake you up ' Nayeon said
' Good morning to you too ' I sarcastically said and sit up

' Goodmorning Nayeonie ' I greeted and smile
' Goodmorning too Mina, Get up now ' She said

' Can I introduce you as my girlfriend now? Before we go home ' I said and she sigh
' Not now, Get up and go downstairs ' she said and walk towards the door

' I love you!! ' I shouts but she continuesly walk out

Maybe she didn't hear it.

I stand up and walk downstairs

They're here, Except chae.

' Where's Chae Eomma? ' I asked
' I don't know to that kid, always disappear ' Eomma said while shaking her head

' but she's just around sweetie, Don't worry ' Mom said and smile

The bridge.

' Excuse me ' I said and go out of the house

I saw her in the middle of the bridge

She look ta me blankly

' Chae? ' I called and about to walk towards her but she stopped me

' The bridge is fragile. Don't step in ' She simply said

The bridge started to make a sound and the next think I knew it... fell down.

' CHAEYOUNG! ' I shouts but she just look at me and close her eyes as if she knew it was suppose to happen

her body was abou to reach the river floor-

I gasp and raked my fingers to my hair... Such A strange dream I had.

I walk downstairs and No Chayeoung.

' Where's Chayeoung? ' I asked
' I don't know to that kid, always disappear ' Eomma said while shaking her head... what the-

I immediately run outside and go to the bridge

Third Person's POV

' She knows where to find her ' Mr. Myoui said and chuckled
' yeah. I'm worried on what might happen since they have misunderstanding last night ' Mrs. Son said and sigh

' They will overcome it, Those kids know how to please each other too well ' Mr. Myoui said and smile

Mina reached the bridge and chae is not there so she run towards the cliff


Mina See chae so she run towards her and stop infront of her, She lay in the grass feeling so tired

Chayeoung extended her hand to block the sun for Mina's Eyes as she knows how sensitive her best friend's eyes are.

' why are you here ' Chae asked without looking at her

' I had a bad dream ' Muna said while panting
' About? ' Chae asked
' You fell ' Mina said and open her eyes since chae is blocking the sun for her eyes

' You shouldn't just lay like that, You're eyes will hurt. The sun is already too bright ' Chayeoung said

' are you still mad? ' Mina asked and sit
' I didn't get mad tho ' Chae said and handed Mina a water bottle

' But you were ignoring me ' Mina said and drink
' I was just upset ' Chae admitted

' I'm sorry ' Mina said
' I know you are, It's fine I was just a bit drunk that time ' Chayeoung said

' You know, Appa keep telling me to taste the wine he made for mom and he made 4 wines ' Chae said and chuckled

' Awe, Appa is so cool, I wonder how it feels like to receive a gift like that from someone... You know? With effort and love ' Mina said and giggle

' aish Myoui don't talk as if you don't have a girl ' Chayeoung said and scoff
' Whatever Son ' Mina said and roll her eyes

' Minari, Why do you think a person keeps secret? ' Chaeyoung asked
' Well... because maybe it may hurt someone ' Mina said

' Or maybe that person is just really secretive there's a kind of person tho ' Mina said and chuckled

' Do you think, If you have a very serious secret you'll share it to me? or to Nayeon unnie? ' Chae asked

' Yes, Ofcourse ' Mina said

' even if it hurts me? ' Chayeoung asked
' Well if that secret is a problem that would've hurt you, I'll probably keep it and solve it on my own then later on after I solve it I tell it to you ' Mina said and laughs

' Kidding aside, Ofcourse I would tell it immediately, We're not best friends for nothing Chayeoung... You could help me About my problems and I could help to you too... ' Mina said

' Are you hiding something? ' Mina ask and take a glance at Chayeoung
' ani, I'm just curious ' Chaeyoung said and stand up

' Let's go back ' she said and started to walk

' Did you forget that what's yours is mine too... That also applies to secrets and problems Pabo. ' Mina mumbled while looking at Chayeoung's back

' I can't understand you these days ' Mina said and follow Chayeoung

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