YLM 25

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Third Person's POV

Mina get in Ms. Hye-kyo's office, her class prof.

' Ms. Myoui, sit down ' Ms. Hye-kyo said and point on the chair infront of her desk

' Can I ask why are you absent these few days? is it best friends problem? ' Ms. Hye-kyo started

Mina could only nod out of shame, she never get called in the office

' Chaeyoung is also having a hard time, I heard her math teacher says she's always absent minded. She's physically there but her mind is somewhere. ' Ms. Hye-kyo said worriedly

' I understand that both of you have a problem but please don't forget you still need to graduate, Both of you are a role model in your own classes, If I can help in some way just tell me okay? ' Miss hye-kyo said

' Y-yes Miss. I'm sorry ' Mina said with her tears already falling

' Oh- No,no don't cry I'm not mad sweetie, I'm just worried ' Ms. Hye-kyo said as she walk towards the latter and soothe her back

' Everything will be alright Mina, Don't cry do you want to vent it out? I'm all ears sweetie ' Ms. Hye-kyo softly said

' it's... It's just I'm feel so bad, I can't return her feelings, I don't even understand what I feel for her, Sana is mad at me and Chaeyoung is cold towards me, It's hard to take it but I know it's all my fault... ' Mina said while sobbing

Ms. Hye-kyo sigh, A love problem she thought.

' Everything will be fine in no time Ms. Myoui, Just move smart, You always do that, just add more effort ' Ms. Hye-kyo advised

' T-thankyou Miss. I'll go home now ' Mina said and stand up

Her prof guided her to the door and she could only sigh seeing her top student failing because of a problem that she can't help with.


Mina came home with the lights still off, she stay a bit at the park to cool down, She don't want Chaeyoung to see her swollen eyes

She get in seeing Chaeyoung at the couch with the tv on but the cub is already sleeping at the couch

Mina sigh and sit at the couch ahead of chae

She gently lift Chaeyoung's head and put it in her lap

' I'm sorry, I hope you forgive me in no time... I miss you close to me, I miss your bubbly side and annoying side ' Mina softly said while brushing chae's hair with her hand

Mina's tears was about to fall again but Mina held it back when chae's eyes open staring directly to her eyes so she lean her back resting his head at the couch looking at the ceiling

' What are you doing unnie ' Chaeyoung spoke but she didn't move
' You looks uncomfortable so I did this ' Mina replied without looking at the cub

' Where'd you sleep the other day? ' Mina asked
' Somewhere... safe ' Chaeyoung said

' Chaeyoung, We will graduate soon. Can you promise me that we will graduate together and took a photo so we could put in a frame and place it in our own rooms ' Mina spoke

' Sure unnie. I promise ' Chaeyoung said and sit up
' you don't need to try anymore, Let's focus on our studies... If we fail, Grandma will surely be disappointed ' Chaeyoung said

' Besides I'm still expecting my gift after this semester ends ' Mina said and made chae chuckled

' So full of yourself Myoui ' Chaeyoung said
' I know you do too ' Mina spoke and chuckled

' You know I didn't mean everything that I said when I was drunk right? ' Mina asked and look at chae
' No, I didn't know ' Chaeyoung said

' Sorry for being a burden to you unnie. ' Chaeyoung said Mina look sit straight and face Chaeyoung

' You're never a burden Chaeyoung ' Mina said and shook her head
' Then... Sorry for tearing our friendship, Sorry for loving you romantically, S-sorry for stepping out of the line. ' Chaeyoung said and stand up

she was about to leave when Mina said something...

' I'll tolerate it. ' Mina said so Chaeyoung look at her with surprised look
' Atleast we'll be back on our past relationship right? ' Mina asked

' We will do the things we used to do and stay with each other's side ' Mina added

' Yes... Maybe it will become more sweeter? ' Chaeyoung said and scratch her nape
' I'll tolerate it ' Mina said and stand up

' A-are you sure unnie? ' Chaeyoung asked
' I am certain with my decisions Chaeyoung, You know that ' Mina said and smile

' Go upstairs and change, I'll prepare dinner ' Chaeyoung said while Mina nods and get in her room

' I wish... I made the right decision ' Mina mumbled and loosen her tie then walk towards her room


Chaeyoung done preparing dinner

she was about to go upstairs but Mina is already descending the stairs

' Smells good ' Mina said and smile
' I hope it also taste good ' Chaeyoung said

Mina started to eat while chae is nervously looking at her, She finds it weird that she's nervous but she can't help it

' Honest review ? ' Chaeyoung said and chuckled
' It's really taste good ' Mina said and showing her gummy smile

' yes! ' Chaeyoung said while Mina laugh
' you look weird ' Mina said still laughing

Their dinner is full of laughter as they exchange jokes and some hilarious memories

' Well... Wanna sleep in my room tonight? ' Mina trailed off
' Sure, you're my safe place anyways ' Chaeyoung said and smile warmly while washing the dishes

' You mean my room? ' Mina asked
' You and your room ' Chaeyoung said

Mina feel her heartbeat fast but she shoo that thought away


Chaeyoung lay in mina's bed and release a deep breath

' I miss your room ' Chaeyoung said
' only my room? ' Mina asked

' Maybe? ' Chaeyoung playfully said and chuckled
' Oh shut up Son Chaeyoung ' Mina said and lay beside the cub

Chaeyoung immediately hug her and snuggle closer
' Thankyou for accepting me Mina ' Chaeyoung mumbled

' Ofcourse, You're still my best friend anyways ' Mina said and pat Chaeyoung's Crown

Mina upon realizing what she said bit her lower lip

' I mean- ' She was about to speak but Chaeyoung cover her mouth

' I'll make you fall for me, Hard. To the point that you won't forget about me even I die ' Chaeyoung said, she look up and giggle making Mina blush so she look away

' Next time we have misunderstanding, ease let's talk it out ' Mina said while Chaeyoung softly hummed
' Goodnight Minari, I love you ' Chaeyoung said

I miss that nickname cub. Mina thought and smile

' Goodnight Chaeng ' Mina said and peck on the latter's crown

Mina smile and snuggle closer

You'll fall for me, I swear. Chaeyoung thought and giggle in her mind

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