His Whisper is the Lucifer (Taemin 3 Shot)

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Chapter 1 "Is this the reality I expected?"

"Kira! Can you try a little harder to keep up?" The choreographer scream practically bled exasperation.

            Kira recently became a new backup dancer for SHINee, filling in for a guy who was sick. She didn't quite know why she even volunteered when she wasn't that quick of a learner.

           Lee Taemin's face popped up in her mind for the tenth time in the past 30 minutes. Who was she kidding? He was totally the reason she was doing this.

            "I'm sorry," She mumbled at the man who looked at her now as if he'd wish he could end both of their misery with something of the knife variety. Unable to stand that hard gaze anymore, she winced an d looked away.

            "Mukkin chae.... Miraedo... mukkin chae," she chanted and tried to avoid his eye contact by looking at her clumsy movements in the mirror. She tried to focus but-

            "Do you mind if I try to help Greg-shii?" Kira's head flew backwards and locked eyes with a smiling Taemin.

            God, was he even of this world? Even the way he shifted his weight on his feet was attractive.

            The blush deepened as Kira wondered just how long had he been there. Oh no, Taemin probably watched her fail continuously on the same moves.

            "Sure, Taemin-ah. If you think you can." Greg threw her way with a glare and walking out of the dance room, leaving just the two of them. Honestly, she would rather embarrass herself in front of Greg a million more times than Taemin.

            "You really don't have to help me-," he shook his head and walked towards her and her eyes were back to their devilish ways now focusing on the way his clothes fit his body.

          He'd been working out lately. That grey wife beater accented his arms and chest in the best way, in a way that she envisioned every night before she went to bed. She was such a creep and she bet that he thought she was as well.

            "So your problem is that you don't really believe what you are dancing to." He comes up behind her, "Do you know what Lucifer is about?" he whispered into her ear.

            With Taemin this close she couldn't think much less speak. She just shook her head and avoided his gaze in the mirror in front of them.

            "It's about," his hands grabbed her hips bringing her flush against the front of his body. She tried hard not to think about what was poking her in the back. "A guy wanting a girl... but she is playing hard to get." His thumb played with the waistband of her shorts, slowly caressing her bare hips.

            If Taemin was thinking she was playing hard to get, all he had to do was ask and she was more than willing to do anything he wanted. She looked back at the mirror and his brown eyes were staring right at her. And this time his eyes seemed to have some hold on her, she found she couldn't look away. His dark eyes crinkled into that famous innocent smile that her and millions of his fans had fell for. How can such an innocent looking guy make her feel this hot?

            "But, the guy tries really hard to change that," the more his hands continued to stroke her hips the more she found she couldn't focus on his words but his hands. They started to get a little lower, just outside of her panties. Fingering the outside of her folds, but never going inside. He was teasing her, never going to where she was craving him to go.

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