"You Could Never Love Me." Part 2

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Taemin kissed another girl. Taemin… was in love with another girl. She had seen this coming before they even got into a relationship. But Kira’s love for Taemin wanted to see nothing of that though. That is why she was standing here in tears watching Sulli kiss her Taemin. Kissing the same lips that told her that he loved Kira. Not Sulli.

Biting her lip to keep from screaming she ran away from the bathroom, “Kira are you okay?” she heard Jonghyun ask but she kept running. Maybe running would help her forget. Maybe running will erase what she just witnessed.

“Taemin Oppa how could you do this, bring her? After you told me that you loved me.”

“I did say that, Sulli.”

Damn it Kira.  It was her fault. Taemin was a famous idol and who was she? Someone who used to stalk him every day and even agreed to take the spot of a dancer so she could get closer to Taemin. Kira couldn’t find it in her heart to blame Taemin for taken advantage of the fact she gave it up so easily. She was the stupid girl.

Close your eyes.”

“Taemin what are you-,”

“Shh Kira you’re ruining it.”

“But Tae-,” Kira blushed as Taemin’s hand covered her mouth in midsentence.

Taemin pulled her into a back hug. “Have I ever told you, you talk too much sometimes?” he chuckled in her ear.

She nodded her head he has said that. But it was her reflex, Taemin still made butterflies float in her stomach when he was around. So she spoke. A lot. He thought it was cute when she was so embarrassed.

“Close your eyes, Noona.”

“Fine. You’re not going to rape me are you?”

He chuckled darkly sending shivers over her body, “We’ll get to that later.”

She was looking forward to that so she closed her eyes and felt something cold slip onto her finger.

“Okay… open your eyes.” She slowly opened up her eyes and was met with a gold band around her finger with a ruby stone in the middle of it.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she gasped and stared at it, “Taemin…”

“Umm… my mother gave this to me. She told me to give it to the girl I have serious feelings about. Someone that in long run… I could possibly marry.”

Kira looked up at Taemin, eyes widened and smiled, wiping at some of the tears that have fallen already, “I find that girl to be you Noona. You’re the only one who listens to me ramble on and on about new dance moves that I see on YouTube. You’re the only one who has ever understood that I can’t be there with you all of the time because of my busy schedule and have never once complained, even though I know it drives you crazy,” Kira’s smile widened. “You even buy me banana milk.” She giggled and he grabbed her hand and got down on his knee. “Kira Noona. I love you so much. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. You are the only other woman besides my mother that I have ever loved this much.” He paused blushing, “Now I’m talking too much huh?”

Kira shook her head repeatedly and he then smiled up at her. “Basically, this is my promise ring to you. I promise to never hurt you. I promise to take care of you. I promise to always love you. I want you to be my wife one day.”

He exhaled raggedly and she noticed that he had a few tears in his eyes as well. Oh my God. Kira didn’t know what to say to that. Taemin just… confessed to her. Taemin… just said that he loved her. Lee Taemin just said he would one day she could be his wife. She was panicking. She had imagined him saying this to her. But it had been a fantasy. A simple fangirl fantasy she did while she kissed the poster on her wall. Now this was reality? “Umm… Kira… Baby… please say something. Anything. Oh no are you breathing?”

She snapped out of her daze and looked into his wide brown eyes that were directly in front of her. Grabbing his cheeks she kissed him with as much passion as she could find in her body. He responded immediately wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled away slowly laughing lightly, “I’m taking that you accept me?”

“Of course you silly boy.”

What happened to that? She looked down at the ring Taemin gave her not two months ago. He already broke that promise. Why did she always do this? Kira always let guys take advantage of her, but this time she thought Taemin was different. Taemin made her feel special made her feel things she only saw in dramas or read in books. True love.

            As Kira began to push the door to walk back outside she was stopped by a hand around her wrist.

“Kira, wait.” Kira froze as she noticed the voice. Taemin. The look he had on his face showed no guilt not evidence that he had just cheated on her. And that made her even angrier.

Yanking her arm out of his grasp, “Get away from me Taemin.”

“What’s wrong, Noona-,”

“Don’t you dare. I don’t want to hear anything more from you.” She pointed her newly manicured nails at his chest.

The pain that came across his face when she spoke to him made her feel a little guilty but she refused to let him see that. “Why?”

“Why? Why don’t you go ask Sulli? Maybe she can explain how you should break up with me. And then you can go on your merry way and tell her how much you love her and how you fucked with my mind and my body.”

Confusion, Realization and finally terror were written on his face. “You mean you saw-,”


He laughed harshly and grabbed her wrist again leading them back into the building, he pulled her hard and she almost tripped a few times.

“Taemin where are you taking her?” she heard Jonghyun ask but Taemin ignored him and continued to drag her back into one of the practice rooms. He turned on the lights and locked the door.

“Taemin. I don’t have time for this I need to leave. I don’t want to hear your explanation. You kissed her. You told her you loved her and I don’t feel like hearing your rejection. I don’t feel like hearing you throw back in my face how much prettier she is than me. How much better she is than me. How you just used me for sex. How-,”

Taemin clapped his hand over her mouth and she slapped it back down. Tears falling faster, “Stop it.” She whispered.

“Kira, it’s not what you think.”

She shook her head, “I saw-,”

“No, you saw the beginning. Sulli misunderstood what I said to her-,” he started.

“You can give it up Taemin. You don’t have to lie to me. Krystal told me everything. I ruin your image. Although why you had to expose me to the public so you can humiliate me was something so mean I didn’t expect you to do.”

“Will you just shut up and listen for a second Kira?!” He yelled his voice echoing in the empty room they had used so many times.

"Why would you want me?" Kira asked, the tears of disbelief streaming down her face.

Lee Taemin could have whoever he wanted. Why would he want her? This was too good to be true.... She should have known from the moment he uttered the words 'I love you'. He could never love her. This was just confirmation. She just wanted to leave and forget she had ever met him.

Taemin looked at her, anger in his eyes. He turned around punching the wall yelling in frustration. He slowly turned around and she gasped at hole.

"Why do you never believe a thing I say to you? I. love. you. I. chose. you! Damn it Kira." he yelled tears stinging at the edge of his eyes.


He cut her off and grabbed her arm smashing his lips to hers; she pushed at his chest in vain. She still wanted him.  Kira hated that. Hated how he made her feel. Hated that it had to be him. But she loved him. That was something she was pretty sure, would never change.

He pulled away, tears running down his face. "I'm going to prove to you tonight how much I love you. And I promise, You will never doubt it again."

He pulled off his tuxedo jacket, "Get naked."


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