"You Could Never Love Me." Part 1

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“I want to go public,” Taemin stated playing with a strand of her hair.

Kissing his chest she looked up at him. He wanted to go public? They had been dating for almost a year now and he had never brought this up. Not even once. Actually he had brought it up only to say he didn’t want to go public “Why all of a sudden?”

He flipped her over, looking heatedly over her naked body. She smacked his chest lightly and giggled, “Gonna answer my question Taemin?”

As he began kissing her neck, she stopped his hands that tried to find their way between her legs, “Baby?”

She knew Taemin had something on his mind because he always tried to distract her after he would say something that could make her really curious. And so that made her even more nervous as to why he brought this up.

Sighing, he flipped them again so that she sat on top of his stomach. He drew little circles on her upper thigh and avoided eye contact, “I don’t know… I just want to let everyone know who I love.”

Chuckling lightly at him, “I don’t want you to feel like you have to, Tae. Your manager barely likes me… and I would love to keep my life.” She laughed when he looked up at her raising an eyebrow. “Baby, no offense Shawols are crazy. And I know how I would react to finding out that my innocent maknae Taemin had been corrupted by some girl.”

Kira gasped as Taemin reached up and pinched her nipple and his teeth went to bring the other in his mouth. “Tae-,”

He pulled away too soon for her taste and when she opened her eyes she glared at his smirking face. He laid his head back on the pillow, arms behind his head, “You corrupted me? I don’t think so, Noona. I make you wet just by looking at you.”

At his words Kira had to fight to stay still and not jump him… she was in the perfect position to ride him crazy and by the throbbing cock near her opening… she knew he would not object. He liked when she was on top.

“Not the point. The point is they are going to think it’s my fault. And you might even lose some fans.”

Taemin’s fingers went back to drawing patterns on her thigh, “I just… I want you to be happy.”

He thinks she isn’t happy? SHINee, with their promotions in Japan, had been gone constantly for the past few months and it did take a toll on her. She barely got to see Taemin and being with him now had made her forget about all of that. But when it comes to Taemin it’s never as simple as “I just want you to be happy”. She had a bad feeling that there was something he wasn’t telling her. And she wasn’t going to find out in a way she would prefer.

“I am happy,” she pecked him on the cheek and dropped it. She just hoped her gut was wrong. Preparing to get off of Taemin she was stopped.

“Where are you going? I’m not through with you yet.” She smiled and Taemin flipped her over thrusting all the way into her making her scream.


“Seriously… I know you haven’t seen him in a while… but haven’t you two heard of a break? Damn,” Jonghyun commented once he watched the couple come out from the room. She was wearing Taemin’s t-shirt and a pair of leggings.

Kira blushed and coughed awkwardly and Taemin laughed. “You’d understand if you had a naked Kira in your bed.”

Kira buried her face in Taemin’s back earning a laugh from the five guys in the room. There was a very awkward atmosphere in the room. One that was never present around SHINee. The five of them were either always making fun of her or each other, so the silence made her really anxious. Why couldn’t she fight this feeling?

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